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Canadian Conference of the Arts

Board of Governors

Louise Poulin

Montreal, QC

As president of ArtExpert.ca, Louise Poulin is a consultant in strategic cultural analysis and market studies. With 25 years experience in arts and culture management, she has directed over twenty strategic cultural analysis and feasibility studies in the cultural management domain on a national and international level, research addressing arts and culture issues for both governmental and private institutions.

In her capacity as Executive Director, Louise Poulin has restructured and elaborated a three-year business development plan for La La La Human Steps (2003). As well, as part of a three-year mandate with the Société des casinos du Québec, she organised the production of special events held at three casinos, including the Cabaret du Casino. In 1998, as part of the celebrations for the Millennium, Louise created a special televised event for the Canadian Mint linking up Vancouver, Toronto, Halifax, Iqaluit and Montreal. She was instrumental in performing arts and festival programming celebrating the 350th anniversary of Montreal, in the early 90s, and was Director for major cultural events such as the “Festival de théâtre des Amériques,” Montreal International Mime Festival and “Congrès annuel sur l'industrie du disque Montréal” .

Louise is President of Montreal Cultural Mentorship Working Group and a board member for Culture Montréal. She is a founding member of Arts Consultants Canada and a member of the Canadian Conference of the Arts