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Canadian Conference of the Arts

CCA Bulletins 13/06

February 27, 2006

KEYNOTE SPEAKER ALAIN GOURD TO ADDRESS KEY QUESTION AT CCA'S NATIONAL POLICY CONFERENCE: How can the cultural sector work most effectively with the new Conservative government to ensure its priorities are on the national agenda?

Currently top of mind for everyone in the cultural sector, this question will be the focus of a presentation by keynote speaker Alain Gourd at the CCA's National Policy Conference on Saturday, March 4.

A cultural authority in a number of different fields, Alain Gourd was Deputy Minister under Marcel Masse during a formative time in Canadian cultural policy development. He was also Deputy Clerk and Associate Secretary to the Cabinet and, as such, was an insider to government transitional periods remarkably similar to the current one – that is, both the Trudeau-Turner-Mulroney and Mulroney-Campbell-Chrétien transitions. In the private sector, Mr. Gourd has served as President of BCE Media, Chairman and CEO of Bell ExpressVu, and Chairman of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters, among numerous other positions. He is currently President of Alain Gourd Communications Inc., a company specializing in strategic planning, regulatory and government affairs as well as relations with cultural industries.

The conference also features keynote speaker Paul Hoffert, musician, writer, and hi-tech "wunderkind", who will kick off the National Policy Conference on March 3 with a breakfast speech focusing on new technology trends he sees challenging the cultural sector.


In addition to these dynamic speakers, creativity will be infused into all aspects of the conference ensuring the proceedings are not just talking heads! These include:

Graphic Facilitation – David Hasbury (www.cocreation.ca), a noted consultant in organizational and community development, will facilitate the conference. Hasbury utilizes "group graphics" to capture the words and moods of the discussions in a visual way. Hasbury draws the themes and outcomes of group discussions on a vast wall chart, enabling participants to literally see what they are saying.

Improvisational Rapportage – Greg Frankson, aka "Ritallin" (www.ritallin.com), has exploded on the Canadian scene as a spoken word artist, writer and motivational speaker. He has just completed work on Alexa McDonough's successful re-election campaign and is emerging as a leader within Canada's artistic and Black communities. "Ritallin" will perform improvised poems at various points throughout the National Policy Conference that will reflect his interpretation of the discussions.

Interactive Dance – Independent dance artist Maureen Shea will lead an interactive dance component during the President's Reception on March 3. Shea instigated the Grasshoppa Dance Exchange (www.artengine.ca/grasshoppadance) in 2002, and has led and participated in countless Hops and Dance Farms in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Massachusetts and Italy. A performer and arts educator, Shea will enliven the reception with interactive pieces from her "City Project" work, engaging participants in unexpected ways.

Both the Chalmers Conference and National Policy Conference are completely sold out! The event promises to be an energetic gathering of cultural sector representatives from across the country. See you there!