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Canadian Conference of the Arts

CCA Bulletin 10/07


Ottawa, Tuesday, March 13, 2007

CCA Intervention on Proposed “Code of Conduct for Procurement”, plus Important Announcements


Further to the previous Bulletin 08/07, the Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) recently sent a letter to the Hon. Michael Fortier, Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, as part of the Government’s online consultation regarding a new “Code of Conduct for Procurement”.  The CCA’s March 5 letter is in keeping with the organization’s three-point position on this issue, approved by the board at our February 17-18 meetings in Ottawa, which is as follows:

  • That the federal government commit to procuring work from Canadian cultural workers and suppliers;
  • That when the federal government is contracting artists, it is expected that such contracts be guided by the provisions of the federal Status of the Artist Act;
  • That in keeping with the recent Blue Ribbon Panel’s Report on Grants and Contributions, the objective for accountability and transparency not create a barrier for Canadian artists, creators, and their organizations to fulfill their mandate.



Job opportunity: the CCA is looking for a policy advisor

The CCA is pleased to announce a new job opportunity within the organization, as we are seeking a Cultural Policy and Communications Advisor to join our small, dedicated team in Ottawa, mere blocks away from Parliament Hill.  All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply by March 30th. The full job posting is available in the Particles section of our website.  We encourage all CCA members and supporters to circulate the information about this important and professionally challenging position.


Nomination Deadline for the 2007 Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards Extended until March 30th

The CCA notes that it was recently announced that the deadline for receiving nominations for the prestigious Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards have been extended until March 30th.  Also, for the first time all eligible nominators will be entered in a draw to win a “Polar Bear Diamond” valued at $5000.00 courtesy of Jubilee Fine Jewelers.  Those interested in putting forwards nominations of professional artists in the categories of theatre, dance, classical music / opera, popular music, film, radio and television broadcasting, not to mention candidates for the RJH Award for Voluntarism, should consult the website at on the website for the Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards.


“Les États généraux des arts et de la culture” in Caraquet, NB May 2-6 2007

From May 2 to 6, 2007, more than 600 delegates are expected to attend Les États généraux des arts et de la culture” in Caraquet, New Brunswick.


This historical event will bring together the results of all the preparatory work that has taken place during the past year in the context of these « États généraux ». Through this convergence of ideas, citizens, organizations and governments who have taken part in the process will report on the work they have done, confirm some orientations and launch the implementation of a strategic plan to ensure a better integration of arts and culture in the Acadian community of New Brunswick. This cultural gathering will favour networking and cross-pollination of ideas between all arts and culture communities not only in New-Brunswick and the Atlantic region, but also across Canada and the international francophone communities. Through the 2007 Eloizes Awards Gala organized by the New Brunswick Acadian professional artists’ association, this Great Gathering will also be a major cultural event celebrating and promoting Acadian artists and their accomplishments.

IETM Plenary Meeting 30 May-3 June 2007 in Montreal

The IETM Secretariat and the organizers of IETM MONTRÉAL 2007 are delighted to announce IETM’s 31st Annual Spring Plenary Meeting in Montreal, Canada, from May 30 to June 3, 2007. It will be held alongside the first edition of the (reborn!) theatre and dance Festival TransAmériques (23 May – 7 June) which will provide an artistic programme of high international quality. IETM Montréal 2007 is a partnership with Festival TransAmériques, La Place des Arts, and UQAM.  Please see practical information for registration, hotels, visas, transportation, etc...