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CCA Bulletin 47/08 - Statistics Canada Releases Data on Government Expenditures on Culture for 2004/2006


November 13, 2008


Just the Facts


Statistics Canada has released new data on government expenditures on culture for the fiscal years 2004/05 and 2005/06.

These data show that over the two years, provincial and territorial government’s investments in arts and culture increased by $ 160 million, while the federal government’s overall contribution decreased by $ 50 million.

Overall federal spending for 2005/06 was $ 3.55 billion, down from spending in 2004/05 of $ 3.60 billion. Broadcasting still represented the largest expenditure at 47.3% and was the only sector to show a slight increase (+ $ 8.4 million), while heritage accounted for 25.7%. Heritage sector spending, which includes museums, public archives, historic and nature parks and historic sites, accounted for 25.7% of all federal expenditure on culture. All sectors other than broadcasting (heritage, film and video, performing arts, literary arts) experienced a decline in funding.


Provinces and Territories spent $2.43 billion on culture in 2005/06 compared to $ 2.27 billion in 2004/05. Municipal governments spent $2.31 billion on culture in the calendar year 2005. Grants, contributions and transfers for culture accounted for 62.9% of the total cultural expenditures by provinces and municipalities.


Consolidated spending by all three levels of government was $ 7.84 billion in 2005/06, an increase from 2004/05 spending of $ 7.60 billion.



Tell Me More


Included in the Statistics Canada Report is a breakdown of federal expenditures by type of expenditure and by sector. This is a most useful analysis of how federal spending on culture is allocated.


Operating expenditures rose slightly from $ 2, 573.9 million in 2004/05 to $ 2, 600.8 million in 2005/06.


Grants, contributions and transfers declined by in 2005/06 to $702.8. million from $ 723.7 million in 2004/05.


Capital expenditures experienced a similar decline, going from $ 300.4 million in 2004/05 to $ 243.4 million in 2005/06.



Expenditure By Sector                           (in millions of dollars)




$ 1,677.4   (2004/05)

$ 1,685.8   (2005/06)



$     929.3  (2004/05)

$     910.3  (2004/06)

Film and video

$     350.2  (2004/05)

$     344.5  (2005/06)


Performing arts

$     200.4  (2004/05)

$     188.2  (2005/06)


Literary arts    

$     135.8  (2004/05)

$     133.6  (2005/06)



$      296.5  (2004/05)

$      293.1 (2205/06)




$ 3, 598  (2004-05)

$ 3, 547  (2005-06)




Obviously, these data do not reflect the recent program cuts nor do they include any costs associated with the recent announcement of the cancellation of the National Portrait Gallery building project.


In the coming days the CCA will be watching for the annual Economic Update by the Minister of Finance, the Honourable James Flaherty, to determine whether the current economic crisis will result in further declines in spending by Ottawa.