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Communiqué  from the CCA Board of Governors


January 26, 2009


The Canadian Conference of the Arts’ Board of Governors is announcing today the appointment of Kathleen Sharpe as President of the Board and of René Cormier as Vice President. Ms. Sharpe, who was previously Vice President, replaces Robert Spickler who recently resigned from the Board of the CCA.


The Board extends its warmest thanks to Robert Spickler for the strong leadership he has provided to the CCA during the past three and a half years. Robert assumed the Presidency of the organization on its 60th anniversary, at a critical moment of its history. He has overseen the refocusing of the CCA on its core mission and unique role in the Canadian arts and culture sector. He also shepherded the Governance Committee in a systematic review of the bylaws and governance of the CCA and a recasting of its mission statement. Under his inspiring leadership, the Conference has developed for the first time a three-year strategic plan and re-established its credibility with funders, members and stakeholders.


With his long and widely recognized experience as a cultural professional, Robert has played a key role in the recruitment and mentoring of the CCA’s new National Director. He has been an inspiration and a strong leader for his colleagues on the Board and for the staff of the Secretariat. Extremely generous with his time and energy, he has also provided meaningful support to the resources for the organization. For all this, the Board of Governors of the CCA and the Staff of the Secretariat are extremely grateful.


The new President of the Board, Kathleen Sharpe, is a senior manager and administrator in government and the cultural sector.  She has been Executive Director of the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund since its inception in 1999. Prior to OCAF, Kathleen was Director of the Culture Division of the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, where her leadership led to the adoption of its first comprehensive cultural policy.  Kathleen has also held management positions at the Ontario College of Art and Design and The Banff Centre.  Kathleen is president of SharpeCulture and the volunteer Chair of Toronto Artscape Inc.

René Cormier replaces Kathleen as Vice President.  Artistic director, stage director, comedian, musician, composer, animator and cultural administrator, René has produced numerous shows over the past thirty years. He has also been involved in arts advocacy in Canada for many years, including as president of the Association des théâtres francophones du Canada.  He was president of the New Brunswick Arts Council for several years and more recently, President of the Fédération culturelle canadienne-française. René has received many honours over his career and in 2003, the French government recognized his contribution to the growth of the Francophonie by making him Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.

It is our collective belief that these two distinguished individuals will continue the stellar leadership of our outgoing President.

The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) is the oldest and most broadly based cultural umbrella organization in Canada. As the national forum for the arts and cultural community in Canada, it provides research, analysis and consultations on public policies affecting the arts and the Canadian cultural institutions and industries. The CCA fosters informed public debate on policy issues and seeks to advance the cultural rights of Canadians.

Board of Governors
Canadian Conference of the Arts
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