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Canadian Conference of the Arts

International Issues & Canadian Content

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International Issues

Ownership by Canadians - How to enrich the social, political and cultural fabric of Canada

The CCA's report on foreign ownership of media companies was written in the wake of several parliamentary committees which touched on foreign ownership in Canadian cultural industries as well as the future of Canadian content regulations.

Available Online.

The MAI and Canada's Cultural Sector
CCA, Garry Neil

This analysis comments on the impact of the proposed Multilateral Agreement on Investment on Canada's cultural sector. (Available soon)

Available Online.

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Canadian Content:

Clear, Significant and Unequivocal
(March 2001)

An independent commissioned report about consolidation in Canada's private television sector and its impact on issues of interest to the arts and culture sector in Canada.

Members $15.00/ Non members $21.00

Available Online.Paid Publication.Available in Hard Copy.