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a Federal Funding / Advocacy Roundtable

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I've joined one of several Federal Funding / Advocacy Roundtable (closest to my AC outlet!). Around the table we have individuals who represent music, visual arts, media, arts administration and others, from emerging artists to professionals and arts organizations. A glimpse:

  • The Canadian Public Arts Funders (CPAF) is a 3-year old network of arts funders across Canada. CPAF allows funders to talk to each other and share best practices. Overall objectives: communications, improve professional practices of arts funders, create stronger arts funding environment.
  • In mapping out the advocacy players, audience members have to be part of our constituencies. They have always been included, but Anne's presentation gave an interesting model (parents as spokespeople in arts education advocacy).
  • How do we build a broader base? (to advance grassroots advocacy efforts)
  • Those who support arts and culture should be better leveraged. Those who seem to have anti-arts-and-culture views could be targeted with a campaign that creates awareness and appreciation for arts and culture.
  • Maybe we need to come to a consensus as to whether we want a single centralized place for arts and culture funding?
  • It's not clear what the messaging is.
  • Positive messages aren't always carried forth efficiently and effectively, in unison.
  • In the U.S. every member of Congress can be convinced of a same view regardless of their political affiliation.
  • Examples of grassroots advocacy successes were shared.
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