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sustaining values

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Americans for the Arts holds the following as its core values:
  • arts are alive in every community - large and small
  • asset-based strategy: what do you do well and how can we advance that? (remember that arts are alive in every community)
  • diversity is the best asset of the arts and cultural sector
  • authenticity is key to economic value: an economic strategy that destroys the cultural asset is no way to go
  • art is more than economic value
  • network of leaders makes the difference: this is what makes Americans for the Arts work (and what I think everyone in this room and reading this blog believes will work to advance our sector:) having a network of leaders across diverse constituencies at all levels who are committed to leveraging the knowledge, resources, and strategies to make it all possible.
On this note, Anne has ended her presentation. After a short break, folks will gather round in small breakout groups to discuss common advocacy needs and priorities.
Read more!


Anonymous Marla Waltman Daschko said...

Helen, thanks for filling us in on Anne L?Ecuyer's presentation. It sounds like she was full of energy and had lots to share. Loved the bit about 'busting a representative's phone lines'. Wish we could energize our own community to act in such a coordinated fashion. I think we saw some of this during last year's election, but we need to work together more closely to make it more fruitful. That will require clear thinking, a less partisan approach and positive strategies for improving culture organisations, government funding and individual success.

2:47 PM  

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