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Canadian Conference of the Arts

Simon Brault, O.C.


Keith Kelly Award for Cultural Leadership recipient 2008


Simon Brault wears several hats within the Canadian arts and culture community. Director General of the National Theatre School of Canada since 1997, Brault has just seen his mandate as Vice Chair of the Canada Council for the Arts renewed for another five years. But it is essentially for his work with Culture Montréal, which he helped create, that Simon Brault is being honoured with the Keith Kelly Award for Cultural Leadership. The initiator of the Journées de la culture, a massive undertaking that since 1997 opens the doors of cultural centres and institutions across all Québec. Simon was also President of the Rendez-vous novembre 2007, a ground-breaking gathering of 1300 participants which produced a 10-year Action Plan aiming to lead political, economical, social and cultural actors towards the edification of Montréal as a 21st century cultural metropolis.  Simon Brault is an Officer of the Order of Canada.


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