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Canadian Conference of the Arts.

Political Parties electoral platforms and responses to CCA questionnaire

                                                                             Back to Federal Election 2008

On Monday, September 9th 2008, the CCA sent a list of questions on cultural policy to the 5 major political parties. Answers to those questions will be published on our Website without any editing as soon as they are received.

The CCA will also post political parties’ political platforms and will publish without edits or comments all appropriate excerpts presenting the position of the parties on the issues affecting the arts and culture sector.


Political Parties

Arts and Culture Policies


Bloc Québécois


Chapitre 2- Présenter et défendre l'identité québécoise

(Scroll down to section 2.4)


Available here

Conservative Party

As of yet, the Conservative Party of Canada has not replied to the CCA Election 2008 questionnaire. As the CCA strives to provide an election website inclusive of all Canadian national political parties, we have linked to the Conservative Party news bulletins which are relevant to the CCA mandate. All links are either directly or indirectly relevant to the areas of arts and culture.

Conservatives Party Plan

Key Issues:

Maternity benefits

Art tax credit

CRTC guarantee to respect uniqueness of French language broadcast services

Commitment to Canadian French language television on TV5

Not available

Green Party

Green Party Platform


Available here

Liberal Party

Liberal Action Plan
page 20, Supporting Canadian Culture. 

page 67, Arts and Technology.


Available here

New Democratic Party

New Democratic Party Plan


Available here