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Canadian Conference of the Arts

Appeal to CCA member organizations and other partners to endorse the Campaign for the fair tax treatment of professional artists

CCA is launching a campaign to solve two of the problems which professional artists and the organizations which engage their services have with Canada 's tax system.   To maximize the impact of future representations on these issues, we need member organizations and others to declare official support for the campaign and its objectives.


The CCA campaign will work with the government to achieve certainty for professional artists and arts organizations in relation to the income tax system.  


Objectives :

The campaign’s objectives are as follows:

1. To establish a policy that all professional artists will be deemed to be carrying on a business for purposes of their artistic income (independent contractor status) unless:

  • in the case where there is no collective bargaining relationship, an engager and the artist enter into a contract of service (employer-employee relationship) that is explicit and unambiguous, or
  • an engager and an association representing a group of artists negotiate a provision that artists governed by a collective agreement are in a contract of service relationship.

2. To have a community-agreed test of “professionalism” replace the “reasonable expectation of profit” test now used by the Canada Revenue Agency.

Who can sign on?

Any organization supporting the goals and objectives can join the campaign, including those representing artists, producers, presenters or anyone else with an interest in the issues.  


What am I committing to?

Your name will be used only in connection with the campaign and for no other purposes.   Names of supporting organizations will be listed on materials.    


Will I have a say in the how the campaign is run?

All supporting organizations are welcome to participate as actively in the campaign as they want. 


Can I revoke my support?

You can revoke your support at any time by sending a letter to the CCA. 



We fully support the Objectives.   Count us in!


Name of Organization         ________________________________________________


Name/Title Signing Officer   ________________________________________________



Signature                             ________________________________________________


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