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Canadian Conference of the Arts

CCA Bulletin 19/08

June 18 , 2008

CCA Annual General Meeting Ushers in New Board Members

and Bylaw Changes


Just the Facts

The Canadian Conference of the Arts held its annual general meeting at the Ontario College of Art and Design on June 12, 2008.

The President of the CCA, Robert Spickler and the National Director, Alain Pineau also gave their reports on the state of the CCA. Members greeted the news that through strict management of resources, the CCA had manage to expunge its accumulated deficit and had recorded a modest surplus for the 2007-08 financial year.

The improved financial picture was accompanied by an active program of CCA activities for the last financial year. The highlights were;


  • A public lecture at the University of Ottawa by John Holden of the Demos Group on changing the dialogue between the arts and government,
  • The presentation of the Diplôme d’honneur  to Joe Fafard  for his lifetime contribution to Canadian art, and the Keith Kelly Award to Garry Neil and Robert Pilon for their work on the promotion the UNESCO agreement on cultural diversity.
  • The successful negotiation of a two-year funding agreement with the Department of Canadian Heritage – a first for the CCA,


One of the highlights of the meeting was the introduction of new members of the Board of Governors who were elected and appointed as a result of the membership vote earlier this year. Officers and Committee Chairs were appointed at the first meeting of the new Board on June 13. The Governors of the CCA for the 2008-2011period are:


Robert Spickler President
Kathleen Sharpe Vice President and Chair of the Audit Committee
Rose Bellosillo Secretary
Arden Ryshpan Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee
Denise Roy Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee
Rudy Buttignol Chair of the Governance Committee
Louise Poulin Chair of the Awards Committee
Jason van Eyk Chair of the Membership Committee
Tim Borlase Chair of the Arts and Education Committee
Liz Barron Governor
Michel Beauchemin Governor
René Cormier Governor
Susan Kennard


Philip Szporer Governor


* Board of Governors bios can be accessed at http://ccarts.ca/en/about/bog/


Finally, the Board of Governors submitted new By-Law 12 for ratification by the members. The new By-Law was approved by a majority of the members present at the Annual General Meeting.


Tell Me More

In the fall of 2006, the CCA Board of Governors charged an ad hoc governance committee with the task of evaluating the changes brought to the governance model in 2001, as per a resolution adopted at the time, such a review not having been realized yet for a variety of reasons.

Further to several meetings of the committee and discussions at Board meetings, the Board adopted By-Law 12, subject to ratification at the Annual General Meeting of members. The main changes are as follows:


  • The new By-Law defines more clearly the authority and role of the Board concerning CCA’s activities and sets it up as committee of the whole with regards to the policy setting responsibilities previously delegated to the standing Policy and Advocacy Committee. This change is accompanied by the establishment, through the Secretariat, of steering committees of CCA members, stakeholders and experts on various policy files. At least one Board member will sit on each committee and report to the full Board on its priorities, activities and recommendations.


  • The new By-Law ensures greater continuity within the Board by giving two-year terms to appointed Board members, with a maximum of three consecutive mandate. The term of elected Board members remains three years, with a maximum of two consecutive mandates. 


  • The Past President will be a voting member of the Board and will preside over the Nominating Committee, whose role is further strengthened. The changes state that at least two members come from voting Governors, with one coming from the Governance Committee. For continuity purposes, Nominating Committee members will be appointed for staggered terms of three years.


  • Further changes give the Finance Committee audit responsibilities and makes the Governance Committee a standing committee of the Board.

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