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Canadian Conference of the Arts


CCA Reports and Publications

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Conference Reports:

Reports from the Chalmers Conference
Reports from the National Policy Conference


See also

Reports and Publications: Policy Publications

Reports and publications: Toolkits

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Reports from the Chalmers Conference:

2005 Chalmers Conference Report


(April 2005)

This year's conference continued to build on the success of the 2004 pre-election Chalmers Conference, and addressed the themes of advocacy and the parliamentary process.

Available Online.


2004 Chalmers Conference Report
(Feb. 2004)

Building on information from last year's conference held in May 2003, this year's event explored in more detail the issue of advocacy, specifically as we head into a federal election period. Positioning arts funding as an election issue was the primary outcome articulated by CCA members at this conference.

Available Online.


Sean Moore's Chalmers Conference Presentation: "How the System Works, and How to Work the System".
(Feb. 2004)

Sean Moore, of Gowling Lafleur, is a veteran lobbyist and political commentator. Mr. Moore's timely presentation provides information on what the changes instituted by government are, and how best to take advantage of them.

Available Online.


2003 Chalmers Conference Report
(May. 2003)

This year's conference dealt with issues relating to the working environment of artists and cultural workers, including:

  • Creative Management - presentation on the action plan
  • Taxation of the arts - update and discussion
  • Cultural Human Resources Council - presentation of the compensation study and discussion of other human resource issues

Available Online.


Creative Management Final Report on Phase 1
CCA, Jocelyn Harvey
(July, 2002)

The Creative Management project addresses the impending leadership crisis in the arts, as the pioneer leaders of our organizations leave the work force prematurely or prepare for retirement. Specifically, it deals with how Canada can keep current managers and administrators in the workforce and provide means for their professional renewal and how it can develop, recruit and retain the next generation of qualified, committed personnel for the sector.

The report reflects the conclusions reached through research and consultations with the cultural community and its partners, as well as a day-long discussion at the annual Chalmers conference in June 2002.

Members $15.00 / Non-members $20.00

Available Online.Paid Publication.Available in Hard Copy.


Report on the 2002 Chalmers Conference
Creative Management, Creative Solutions

The intent of the 2002 Chalmers Conference was to act as a focus group for the Creative Management project. It provided the unique opportunity for arts and cultural managers to discuss proposed solutions and to help chart the course for the next phase of the project. This report highlights the results of these discussions.

Available Online.


Creative Management in the Arts and Heritage: Sustaining and Renewing Professional Management For the 21 st Century - Discussion Paper
CCA, Jocelyn Harvey
(June, 2001)

Prepared as a discussion paper for the Chalmers Conference 2002 and as a part of the Creative Management Project, this paper deals with the challenge of how to keep our current experienced managers in the sector and provide professional renewal, and how we can attract, develop and retain a new generation of committed managers to continue the work of our present leaders.

Available in Hard Copy.

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Reports from the National Policy Conference:


National Policy Conference 2004 ~Regina, Saskatchewan ~ From Act to Action: Moving Forward on Status of the Artist


(November 2004)

                                    Link to:  Living Better from Art: Action Plan to Enhance the Socioeconomic

                                                  Conditions of Artists

Available Online.


National Policy Conference 2003 ~ Halifax, Nova Scotia - The Creativity Gap: How the Arts Inspire an Innovative Society
(November 2003)

Available Online.


National Policy Conference 2002 ~ Edmonton, Alberta - When is Now: Synchronizing Arts Policy and Practice
(November 2002)

The CCA's 2002 National Policy Conference will examine the impact of new arts practices on cultural policy. The four main themes of copyright, funding, Canadian content and the expanding role of the artists will be explored through panel discussions, workshops and arts presentations. The new Alberta Culture and Arts Network (ACAN), which will hold its founding meeting during the conference, will also lead a session the role of provincial arts networks.

Paid Publication.Available in Hard Copy.


National Policy Conference 2001 ~ Toronto, Ontario - Crossroads 2001
(November 2001)

This conference assessed the achievements in Canadian art and culture since the Massey-Lévesque report (1951) and the Kingston Artists' Conference (1941), and discussed what remained to be done for a healthy, diverse and sustainable cultural life.

Paid Publication.Available in Hard Copy.


Crossroads 2001 - Arts & Cultural Policy in Canada - The Last Half Century and Beyond

A discussion and reflection on the legacies of the Massey-Lévesque Report and the artists' movement of the 1940s and 1950s, plus a chronology of key cultural initiatives from 1840 through to 2001.

Members $15.00 / Non-members $17.00

Paid Publication.Available in Hard Copy.

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