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Canadian Conference of the Arts

CCA Election Bulletins

CCA Bulletin 06/06 - The CCA urges the new Government of Canada to strengthen our arts and culture                                         on national and international fronts

                                 (January 24, 2006)

CCA Bulletin 05/06 - 2006 FEDERAL ELECTION IS DRAWING TO A CLOSE… AND THE CCA'S WORK HAS                                        JUST BEGUN (January 20, 2006)

CCA Bulletin 03/06 - One week to go in the 2006 federal election campaign - Advocacy update from the CCA

                                 (January 17, 2006)

CCA Bulletin02/06 - Update on arts and culture issues in the 2006 election platforms

                                (January 9, 2006)

CCA Bulletin01/06 - CCA's new year begins with further federal election advocacy

                                From the desk of Alain Pineau, National Director

                                (January 3, 2006)

CCA Bulletin 53/05 - What if CCA asked the questions in the federal leaders’ debates?

                                 CCA's Federal Election Advocacy 2006

                                (December 21, 2005)

CCA Bulletin 52/05 - CCA asks federal parties: Will you "walk the talk" for Canadian arts and culture?

                                 From the Desk of Alain Pineau, National Director

                                  (December 14, 2005)

CCA Bulletin 50/05 - Update On CCA’s 2006 Federal Election Advocacy

                                 From the Desk of Alain Pineau, National Director 

                                 (December 8, 2005)

CCA Bulletin 49/05 - Reality check - Where business left off in the House of Commons

                                 (December 2, 2005)

CCA Bulletin 48/05 - Federal Election Campaign Begins - Where will federal parties stand on

                                 culture issues?

                                 (November 29, 2005)

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