Harper announces tax credit for children’s sport registration fees
BUCKINGHAM, Quebec – Conservative leader Stephen Harper today announced that a new Conservative government will extend a tax break to parents who register their children in sports and other physical activities.
“A Conservative government will give hard-working families a break by cutting the GST and delivering a $1,200-a-year Choice in Child Care Allowance for children under six,” Harper said. “Assistance for families who have kids in organized sports is another part of the Conservative plan for hard-working families. This support will be provided for each child under 16.”
Parents across Canada put their children in community sports programs for many reasons. It gives parents and their kids an opportunity to be engaged in their communities. It gives kids an opportunity to learn the values of teamwork, to build character, and to dream of stardom. Families imagine their kids on a podium representing their country or becoming the next Hayley Wickenheiser or Vincent Lecavalier.
Unfortunately, families who struggle to make ends meet find it difficult to register their children in local sports activities. A significant minority of parents (46%) feel that high costs prevent children from being more physically active.
An important part of health care is prevention, including ensuring that Canadians, especially children, get a proper level of exercise. The ideal level of activity for children — in fact all Canadians — is the amount of daily exercise equivalent to one-half hour of martial arts plus one hour of walking, or one-half hour of running plus one hour of walking, or one hour of team sports plus one hour of walking.
A Conservative government will allow the parents of young people under 16 years old who register their children in organizations that promote physical fitness to claim a federal tax credit on registration fees to a maximum of $500 per year per child.
“Government needs to give working families a break,” Harper said. “We need to help families so that cost is not a barrier to keeping children active.”
For more information: Conservative Party Press Office (613) 755-2191