History of Nova Scotia
with special attention given to
Communications and Transportation
Chapter 45
1999 September
Index with links to the other chapters
1999 September
CBC Cable Radio and TV
Frequencies and Channels
for Nova Scotia
Amherst Bragg Communications |
Chnl |
MHz |
12 |
95.5 |
12 |
98.3 |
CBAF-26-FM |
12 |
96.9 |
12 |
105.5 |
3 |
95.5 |
3 |
98.3 |
CBAF-26-FM |
3 |
96.9 |
3 |
105.5 |
13 |
95.5 |
13 |
98.3 |
CBAF-26-FM |
13 |
96.9 |
13 |
105.5 |
Antigonish Bragg Communications |
2 |
101.1 |
2 |
106.1 |
11 |
CBHT-11 |
101.1 |
11 |
CBHT-11 |
106.1 |
6 |
101.1 |
6 |
106.1 |
Bedford Access Cable Television Limited |
2 |
95.1 |
2 |
95.1 |
2 |
93.5 |
2 |
93.1 |
11 |
95.1 |
11 |
95.1 |
11 |
93.5 |
11 |
93.1 |
Bridgewater Bragg Communications |
11 |
100.5 |
CBAF-19-FM |
11 |
99.1 |
11 |
98.1 |
2 |
100.5 |
CBAF-19-FM |
2 |
99.1 |
2 |
98.1 |
Dartmouth Access Cable Television Limited |
2 |
93.5 |
CBAF-19-FM |
2 |
95.1 |
2 |
93.1 |
11 |
93.5 |
CBAF-19-FM |
11 |
95.1 |
11 |
93.1 |
Debert Bragg Communications |
22 |
99.1 |
22 |
105.1 |
22 |
102.1 |
CBAF-28-FM |
11 |
CBHT-8 |
99.1 |
11 |
CBHT-8 |
105.1 |
11 |
CBHT-8 |
102.1 |
CBAF-28-FM |
Digby Access Cable Television Limited |
29 |
90.1 |
29 |
101.5 |
29 |
102.3 |
CBAF-31-FM |
2 |
90.1 |
2 |
101.5 |
2 |
102.3 |
CBAF-31-FM |
11 |
CBHT-7 |
90.1 |
11 |
CBHT-7 |
101.5 |
11 |
CBHT-7 |
102.3 |
CBAF-31-FM |
Glace Bay Seaside Cable Television Limited |
2 |
105.3 |
CBAF-24-FM |
2 |
96.5 |
2 |
106.9 |
3 |
105.3 |
CBAF-24-FM |
3 |
96.5 |
3 |
106.9 |
Halifax Halifax Cablevision Limited |
2 |
93.3 |
CBAF-19-FM |
2 |
99.3 |
2 |
94.9 |
11 |
93.3 |
CBAF-19-FM |
11 |
99.3 |
11 |
94.9 |
Kentville Access Cable Television Limited |
11 |
101.1 |
CBAF-21-FM |
11 |
99.1 |
11 |
95.1 |
11 |
107.1 |
3 |
CBHT-6 |
101.1 |
CBAF-21-FM |
3 |
CBHT-6 |
99.1 |
3 |
CBHT-6 |
95.1 |
3 |
CBHT-6 |
107.1 |
Kingston Bragg Communications |
2 |
88.5 |
CBAF-21-FM |
2 |
94.1 |
2 |
106.1 |
11 |
CBHT-6 |
88.5 |
CBAF-21-FM |
11 |
CBHT-6 |
94.1 |
11 |
CBHT-6 |
106.1 |
45 |
88.5 |
CBAF-21-FM |
45 |
94.1 |
45 |
106.1 |
Liverpool Able Cablevision Limited |
13 |
97.1 |
13 |
92.3 |
CBAF-19-FM |
3 |
CBHT-1 |
97.1 |
3 |
CBHT-1 |
92.3 |
CBAF-19-FM |
Louisbourg Seaside Cable Television Limited |
2 |
106.9 |
2 |
105.3 |
CBAF-24-FM |
2 |
96.5 |
3 |
106.9 |
3 |
105.3 |
CBAF-24-FM |
3 |
96.5 |
Masstown Bragg Communications |
22 |
105.1 |
22 |
102.1 |
CBAF-28-FM |
22 |
99.1 |
11 |
CBHT-8 |
105.1 |
11 |
CBHT-8 |
102.1 |
CBAF-28-FM |
11 |
CBHT-8 |
99.1 |
Mount Uniacke Access Cable Television Limited |
2 |
90.1 |
2 |
98.5 |
2 |
93.3 |
11 |
90.1 |
11 |
98.5 |
11 |
93.3 |
New Germany Bragg Communications |
11 |
100.5 |
CBAF-19-FM |
11 |
99.1 |
11 |
98.1 |
2 |
100.5 |
CBAF-19-FM |
2 |
99.1 |
2 |
98.1 |
New Glasgow Bragg Communications |
3 |
107.3 |
3 |
107.7 |
3 |
104.1 |
11 |
CBHT-5 |
107.3 |
11 |
CBHT-5 |
107.7 |
11 |
CBHT-5 |
104.1 |
Nictaux Bragg Communications |
2 |
106.1 |
2 |
88.5 |
CBAF-21-FM |
2 |
94.1 |
11 |
CBHT-6 |
106.1 |
11 |
CBHT-6 |
88.5 |
CBAF-21-FM |
11 |
CBHT-6 |
94.1 |
45 |
106.1 |
45 |
88.5 |
CBAF-21-FM |
45 |
94.1 |
Springhill Bragg Communications |
12 |
95.5 |
12 |
98.3 |
CBAF-26-FM |
12 |
96.9 |
12 |
105.5 |
3 |
95.5 |
3 |
98.3 |
CBAF-26-FM |
3 |
96.9 |
3 |
105.5 |
13 |
95.5 |
13 |
98.3 |
CBAF-26-FM |
13 |
96.9 |
13 |
105.5 |
Sydney Cape Breton Cable |
2 |
106.9 |
2 |
105.3 |
CBAF-24-FM |
2 |
96.5 |
3 |
106.9 |
3 |
105.3 |
CBAF-24-FM |
3 |
96.5 |
Truro Bragg Communications |
22 |
99.1 |
22 |
102.1 |
CBAF-19-FM |
22 |
105.1 |
11 |
CBHT-8 |
99.1 |
11 |
CBHT-8 |
102.1 |
CBAF-19-FM |
11 |
CBHT-8 |
105.1 |
Yarmouth Viking Cable T.V. Limited |
2 |
105.7 |
CBAF-30-FM |
2 |
95.1 |
10 |
CBHT-3 |
105.7 |
CBAF-30-FM |
10 |
CBHT-3 |
95.1 |
Source: CBC website
1999 September
N.S. Power is Prepared for the Rollover
For Nova Scotia Power Inc., the future is now. Months ago, the power utility rolled the clock into the year 2000 at the Tufts Cove generating plant in Dartmouth. No lights went out. Since that time, the computerized operating systems, used in the electric power generation, have passed a number of dates considered potentially critical, such as March 31, 2000, the 99th day of the new century, without a flicker of a power interruption. Now, the computers at Tufts Cove think it's mid-September 2000 and all systems are running okay. "We haven't experienced any problems as a result of this strategy," said Nova Scotia Power communications officer Stacey Lewis. "We don't have to wait until midnight December 31st and hold our breath." Since August 1998, all Nova Scotia Power's major generating plants have been operating as if were the year 2000. They're now working on dates that range from March to September of that year. "We were the first electric company in North America and even the world to use this management strategy of rolling our plants forward," said Ms Lewis. Other utilities throughout North America have followed the example. The bold calendar advance into 2000 is part of Nova Scotia Power's multimillion program to try and ensure that the utility's 430,000 customers do not end up in the dark in the dead of winter as a result of the so-called millennium bug. The company has been working for two years now, employing a team of 70 workers, to make sure the utility's computers will operate properly. To avoid computer glitches, Nova Scotia Power first took an inventory of all computerized equipment. From desk top computers to the complex computerized operating systems in generating plants, everything was tested to see it was Y2K compliant. "They found 70 per cent were compliant," said Ms Lewis. "The remaining 30 per cent have been fixed or replaced." Systems that manage the distribution or transmission of electricity across the province were replaced outright, she said.
The power utility says it is also looking into the Y2K preparedness of companies which supply fuel to the system's power plants such as the Cape Breton Development Corporation, for coal-fired generators, and the transportation companies that bring oil for the oil-fired plant at Tufts Cove. And "at any one time, we have six weeks fuel in stock at every generating station" with the exception of Tufts Cove, which has a three-week supply, Ms Lewis said.
A question the communications officer is frequently asked by customers is "what if other provinces are not ready and then grab" Nova Scotia electrical power over the grid system. "This is carefully controlled," said Ms Lewis. "Although we do buy and sell electricity over the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick lines, usually this is done simply for cost-effectiveness. On New Year's Eve, 1999, and New Year's Day 2000 "no utility will be sharing electricity at that time. All will be relying on their own production" she said.
[Bridgewater Bulletin, 8 September 1999]
1999 September
201,000,000 People With Internet Access
Swiss expert David Rosenthal said there were an estimated 201,000,000 people on-line around the world, in September 1999. His statement was made as part of a United Nations seminar that ended 18 February 2000 in Geneva, preparatory to the 2001 U.N. World Conference Against Racism and Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, to be organized in South Africa.
112,400,000 in Canada and the United States
47,150,000 in Europe
33,610,000 in the Asia-Pacific region
5,290,000 in Latin America
1,720,000 in Africa
880,000 in the Middle East
Source: Inter Press Service, 18 February 2000
Received by: vorlon.mit.edu Fri, 17 Mar 2000
09:25:37 -0500
Sender: owner-politech@vorlon.mit.edu
1999 September
Price of Gasoline
Lunenburg Town councillors have unanimously supported a resolution asking the province to regulate retail gasoline prices. The effort to reduce recent high prices began at Chester Municipal Council.
[Lunenburg Progress-Enterprise, 1 September 1999]
Chester Municipal Council is supporting a request from the Municipality of Lunenburg to ask the provincial government to once again regulate gasoline prices. Gas prices have skyrocketed over the past two months.
[Lunenburg Progress-Enterprise, 8 September 1999]
Bridgewater Town Council decided September 13th to urge the provincial government to take steps to regulate gas prices in Nova Scotia. The action was taken on the request of Lunenburg Municipality which asked the town to join the list of Nova Scotia municipalities seeking the regulated pricing. "There's no reason why they (gas prices) can't be uniform," said Deputy Mayor Carroll Publicover. "People are constantly asking me how they (the prices) can be fixed. "They are frustrated" with the variation of gas prices from service station to service station and from town to town, said the deputy mayor. He said a request for gas price regulation "may open dialogue. I think one is needed." Councillor Richard Lord said the price fluctuations cannot be blamed on the service stations. "The finger can't be pointed at local distributors," he said. "It's elsewhere." In asking the town to join the regulated gas price campaign, Jack Wentzell, Warden of Lunenburg Municipality, said "in recent months, gasoline prices have fluctuated dramatically, sometimes over a period of days and sometimes within a 24-hour period. "There is also a widespread perception that prices tend to rise quickly in a few substantive jumps when the world oil prices rise, but seem to fall more slowly and in several smaller decreases after world oil prices fall. "Based on a presentation by retail gasoline dealers and the observations of travellers, it appears that Prince Edward Island regularly enjoys lower retail gasoline pricing and less volatile price movements that does the Nova Scotia marketplace," said Warden Wentzell.
[Bridgewater Bulletin, 22 September 1999]
1999 September
Millennium Road
Chester Municipal Council has given the name Millennium Road to the new road that passes through Chandler's Cove Village in Chester. Other choices included Brook Road and Village Road. Chandler's Cove Village is a community within a community whose townhouse-style condominiums are marketed to older buyers.
[Lunenburg Progress-Enterprise, 8 September 1999]
1999 September
Hot Honcho from Halifax
The latest issue of Fortune magazine, dated September 27, takes a look at the 40 richest men — and they are all men — under 40 in the United States. It's filled with lots of glossy photos of these ultra rich youngsters hangin' with their pals and playing with their toys. The youngest member of the club is actually a Canadian, Paul Gauthier, the 26-year-old chief technology officer at Inktomi Corporation, a California Internet software company that has developed popular search engine technology. Gauthier, who graduated in computer science from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, at 26 was the youngest of Fortune's list of America's Forty Richest Under Forty, "the first ever ranking of the wired generation's wealthiest." There were two requirements: They had to be under 40 years old as of 1 September 1999, and they had to have earned their wealth, not got it through inheritance. The wealth of these men often consisted mainly of shares in high-technology companies, a category characterized by volatility of stock market prices. As Fortune noted, this "volatility shifted our list daily." Fortune chose Friday, 13 August 1999 as the day for which the wealth assessments would be made. Gauthier, CTO of Inktomi, came in at number 21 on the list, with a personal fortune of US$418,000,000 (about C$630,000,000). (Michael Dell, chairman and CEO of Dell Computer, was number one with $21,490,000,000. Bill Gates had more money than Dell, but at age 43 was too old for this list.) In 1995, Gauthier, then 23 years old, was a grad student in computer science at the University of California at Berkeley. His graduate advisor was Eric Brewer, an assistant professor. Brewer, 32, took 19th place on Fortune's list with $454,000,000. Gauthier's master's thesis explored the idea of stringing together regular PCs (personal computers) and workstations to make them function like high-powered supercomputers. To test the new computer architecture in action, they built an Internet search engine — a laboratory exercise that, except for the gathering Internet mania, might have produced no more than a few white papers. Brewer and Gauthier were aware that the world didn't exactly need another search engine — there were already six up and running — but they felt that their technology was better. Since it was based on clustered computers, it was faster, more reliable, and more scalable than the competition's. Their search engine became the foundation of Inktomi, a $6 billion company based in Foster City, California. It was released for the first time as Wired's HotBot search site. For the fiscal year ended 30 September 1999, Inktomi reported revenues of $71,200,000 (all figures here are in US currency) an increase of 249 percent over the 1998 revenue. The other side of the ledger was similar to that of most Internet companies, a net loss for the year of $24,200,000 or 48¢ a share.
[Fortune, 27 September 1999]
[The Globe and Mail, 15 September 1999]
[Halifax Chronicle-Herald, 5 November 1999]
"Hot Honcho from Halifax" is The Globe's headline for this item.
24th in Canada
as of 4:00pm EST 14 April 2000
Nova Scotia native Paul Gauthier, 27, is ranked 24th in Who's Worth What, the National Post's list of the Fifty Wealthiest Canadians. Mr. Gauthier is the brains behind Inktomi's search engine software, used by America Online Inc., Yahoo Inc., and other leading web operators. Shares in the four-year-old firm, based in Foster City, California, rocketed from an initial offering price of US$18.00 in 1998 to US$241.50, but has since lost about half of its value during the sell-off of technology stocks in recent weeks. Mr. Gauthier, introduced to computing with a Commodore 64 as an eleven-year-old in his home town of Cole Harbour [not "Coal Harbour" as the National Post reported], a Dartmouth suburb, attended Dalhousie University and the University of California at Berkeley, where he dropped out of the PhD program to work with a 28-year-old instructor, Eric Brewer, on a government-funded scheme to develop a Web search engine that became the foundation of Inktomi. Currently on sabbatical leave from the firm, Mr. Gauthier holds 8% of the shares in Inktomi, named for a Lakota Indian legend about a spider who subdues larger enemies with its superior cunning. "It has been a roller-coaster ride compiling a list of the 50 wealthiest Canadians. Over the past few weeks, as dot-com stocks tumbled, the National Post reworked the rankings several times to reflect the declining worth of high-tech millionaires." The list, as published on April 22nd, is calculated as of the markets closing on April 14th. Mr. Gauthier placed 24th with C$992,000,000. At 27, he was the youngest on the list — second-youngest, at 34 years, was Jeff Skoll, from Montreal, of eBay Inc. with C$4,300,000,000, and third was Jeffrey Mallett, from Vancouver, 35, of Yahoo Inc. with C$500,000,000.
[National Post, 22 April 2000]
Off The List in 2002
The bursting of the Internet bubble in 2000-2001 caused a lot of people to lose a lot of money. No Nova Scotian fell harder and farther than former high-tech wunderkind Paul Gauthier of Cole Harbour. Gauthier was co-founder of Inktomi, a California company that supplied search engines to some of the World Wide Web's major players, including Yahoo, a contract the company has since lost. Because Gauthier's wealth, estimated in 2000 to exceed $1.25 billion, was tied up in company stock, as the stock fell so did his worth. Most recent estimates put him at between ten and twenty million dollars. Mr. Gauthier, who ranked 27th on the 1999 list of Canada's 100 richest, came nowhere close to making the cutoff for the 2002 list. The list includes all Canadian citizens, regardless of where they live.
[Halifax Daily News, 10 December 2002]
1999 September
Cape Breton Post Record
The Cape Breton Post will introduce a new monthly publication in September to be mailed to Cape Bretoners across Canada and the United States. Managing Editor Fred Jackson saw the new Cape Breton Post Record as both a newspaper and a kind of letter from home for the thousands who have left Cape Breton over the years, but left a bit of their heart behind. "Feature stories on interesting people and happenings back home, some hard news, photographs and, of course, obituaries, births, and weddings will all be included," said Jackson. "It's information they can use to keep in touch with the island when they are far from home." Publisher Milton Ellis said the name Cape Breton Post Record was chosen because the new monthly will be a newspaper of record on events back home for Cape Bretoners. The name may also ring a bell for readers who remember the days when there was a Post Record, he said. The first issue in September will be mailed free to the 5,700 on a list of native Cape Bretoners obtained by the Cape Breton Post with an offer to subscribe for subsequent issues at a cost of $29.95 annually, which will include HST and postage in Canada, said Advertising Director Roger Brown. It will be mailed early in each month. Readers of the Cape Breton Post will also be encouraged to either submit names of family members or others who may want to receive the new monthly newspaper, or buy them a gift subscription, he said. The Cape Breton Post Record should appeal to Cape Bretoners who plan to retire to the island some day, who return home as often as they can for vacations, or who just want to keep up with what's happening back home, said Brown. The Cape Breton Post Record should find an advertising base consistent with its target readership, said Brown. Real estate agencies and professions can reach Cape Bretoners planning to return or retire to Cape Breton, he said. Local tourist operators and other advertisers can reach people returning home on visits. The monthly publication may also include a mail order section to let readers purchase Cape Breton products, music and the like, he said.
[Cape Breton Post, 14 August 1999]
1999 September
CB&CNS Loses Coal, Gains Petroleum Traffic
Soon to have ten tank cars a day from Tupper gas separation plant
As of the first week of September, the status of the Cape Breton & Central Nova Scotia Railway's GP50 3108 has been renumbered 5008. 3102 is the last one left to be done. All of the other RailTex locomotives have been renumbered to reflect their horsepower. RS18 3842 was parked with most of its doors flapping in the wind. It may have pulled it's last train. Switching duties around Sydney were being done by GP50 5008 in early September. GP7u still has its stacks capped. GP40 4022 in the new Railtex corporate scheme of gray and red was being used for switching at Stellarton, Nova Scotia. Trains have been short of late, usually ten to fifteen cars; Devco has had another cave-in at its mine so the output will be further reduced. When the new natural gas refinery in Port Tupper comes on line around the end of 1999 there will be approximately twenty cars a day to and from the plant. Devco received a shipload of coal in early September. There were at least three unit trains in service taking coal from Whitney Pier to the Victoria Junction washing plant. The ship offloaded half the coal at Whitney and delivered the balance to the pier at Port Hawkesbury. The coal is than transhipped into large dumptrucks which transfer the coal to the other end of the dock where it is loaded into CB&CNS hopper cars. The CB&CNS then take it a few miles to the Nova Scotia Power Corp at Point Tupper. Some of it may be taken to the Trenton plant near New Glasgow.
Source: Canada Calling, October 1999
1999 September 3
The National Trail in Cape Breton County
Nova Scotia's section of the TransCanada Trail will be about 700 kilometres in length, of which 70 will be in Cape Breton County. Jim Redden, project coordinator with the Cape Breton Trails Association, expects to complete the paper work for the project by the end of the month. Once the paper work is complete, Redden will begin work on the budget and finally on the physical construction of the trail. The recent acquisition by the province of the abandoned rail lines throughout Nova Scotia means there is now a window of opportunity to utilize this route for trail systems. The Cape Breton County portion begins at the Old Branch Road off Johnston Road in North Sydney and continues to the abandoned George's River rail line, Scotchlake Road, the old Ferguson Road to Upper Leitches Creek, Upper Frenchvale through rear Beaver Cove, etc., and ends at the Grand Narrows Waterfront. The Trans Canada Trail is an officially-recognized millennium project. The idea of building the Trans Canada Trail began in 1992 with the Canada 125 Corporation. It is a shared-use trail and will accommodate five core activities; walking, cycling, horseback riding, cross country skiing and snowmobiling where possible and desired.
[Cape Breton Post, 3 September 1999]
Also see:
Trails Nova Scotia website
Cape Breton County trail map
Trans Canada Trails Foundation website
"The abandoned George's River rail line" refers to the original alignment of the Intercolonial Railway's Cape Breton Branch, the official name for ICR's main line from Point Tupper to Sydney. As originally built in the 1880s, this main line went over a small mountain from George's River through Scotch Lake to Leitch's Creek. When North Sydney became a major industrial center in the early 1900s, the ICR main line was rerouted to the present day (1990s) alignment of the CB&CNS Railway's main line from George's River through Little Bras d'Or, Gannon, and Florence. The old main line track through Scotch Lake remained in place for some years, but is believed to have fallen into disuse by about 1920. It appears the planned Trans Canada Trail will follow the long-abandoned Scotch Lake railway line, which began and ended at three or four metres above sea level, but reached an elevation of 43 metres at the bridge over Scotch Lake Brook.
1999 September 3
SOEP Undersea Gas Pipeline
The undersea pipeline from the Sable Offshore Energy Project's Thebaud Central Processing Platform, located 10km west of Sable Island, to landfall at Goldboro, Guysborough County, Nova Scotia, has been completed. The pipe, 197 kilometres long and 66 centimetres in diameter, was laid outward from Goldboro toward the Thebaud Platform. On September 3rd, Allseas Solitaire, the largest pipelay vessel in the world, completed the final "lay-down" at the Thebaud Platform. The ship averaged a pipelay speed of five kilometres a day.
Project map: http://www.soep.com/map.html
The next step was to trench the undersea pipeline. This was done by Allseas' trenching support and undersea installation ship Trenchsetter, which supports the mechanical trenching machine "Digging Donald." The trenching was completed by
About six weeks of testing of the undersea pipeline connecting the Thebaud drilling platform with the Goldboro gas plant was performed before the pipe was declared ready for operation. The testing plan went like this: During the second week of September, the pipeline, 66cm in diameter, is filled with water. A travelling plug called a "pig," is then sent through the pipe from one end to the other, to ensure that any trapped air has been removed. The pipe is then plugged at both ends and the water is put under pressure, significantly higher than the normal operating pressure of the line, and held there. If the pipe holds the water with no drop in pressure for 24 hours, that indicates no leaks. Once the pressure test is completed, "smart pigs" are sent through the pipe. Each pig is propelled by feeding water behind the pig and releasing water ahead. These smart pigs are special cylindrical sensors which perform several different types of jobs. The first smart pig is a caliper pig which checks the pipe to make sure there are no buckles or wrinkles in the pipe after the pressure test. Another smart pig measures the wall thickness and confirms the interior corrosion protection. Once these tests are completed, a five-pig train is pushed through the pipe with compressed air, a process that takes about three days and requires special temporary high-capacity air compressors. This removes most of the water from the pipe. The pipe interior is then dried by using fifteen compressors and three desiccant dryers to force hot dry air through the pipe 24 hours a day for about three weeks. Once the line is dry, a purge is done by filling the pipe with nitrogen to eliminate any air in the pipe. This is essential to prevent the possibility of an explosion when the pipe is filled with hydrocarbons. The whole process is expected to be finished by the end of October, and the pipeline will then be ready to carry hydrocarbons.
SOEI is owned by Mobil Canada (50.8%), Shell Canada Limited (31.3%), Imperial Oil Resources (9.0%), Nova Scotia Resources (8.4%), and Mosbacher Operating Limited (0.5%).
[Guysborough County Journal, 9 & 16 September 1999]
Sable Offshore Energy Incorporated: http://www.soep.com/
1999 September 7
ATM in Yarmouth Hospital
A 9.4cm × 9.9cm display advertisement in the Yarmouth Vanguard today announced that an automatic teller machine was "coming soon" to the Yarmouth Regional Hospital.
1999 September 7
Precision Fineblank Components
Manufacturer of Car Parts
Last year Precision Fineblank Components (PFC)
manufactured 60 million automobile parts for the big three North American auto makers and other auto manufacturers. The plant should top $125,000,000 in annual sales, with a corresponding increase in staff, in the next few years, Marc LeClerc, the PFC's general manager, predicted to the Sydney Rotary Club on Tuesday, September 7th. The company has grown from a handful to employ 250 people. He said a workforce that can stand its ground with the best in the industry is being credited with the phenomenal growth of PFC, located in the Northside Industrial Park in North Sydney. PFC is a division of TESMA, which is 65 per cent owned by Magna International.
[Cape Breton Post, 8 September 1999]
The Northside Industrial Park is owned and managed by the Northside Industrial Commission, a joint effort of the towns of North Sydney and Sydney Mines.
1999 September 15
Y2K Bug Fear Fuels Generator Sales
The ice storm of 1998 put the focus on generators right across Canada, and in particular, at Gow's Home Hardware in Bridgewater. "Generators," recalls Leo Henderson, "were the sort of item sold very rarely. For a long, long while we didn't stock them, we ordered them in [mostly for] summer people. The Germans, Swiss felt a building project wasn't complete until they installed a generator." When the ice storm struck, it didn't take long before Home Hardware's six or so units were shipped out, ordered by parents and grandparents for family members living in the midst of history-making havoc. "We sure could have sold a lot more." Now Home Hardware has about 30 in stock. "We have to take them when we can get them," Mr. Henderson explains. "We buy generators directly, and we don't hear anything for weeks or months then all of a sudden the shipment arrives."
Demand, due to ice storm memories and concern over the Year 2000 Y2K Bug, is outstripping supply, leading to long waiting periods. At the same time, there is a shortage of motors so the Briggs and Stratton-made items are slow to arrive. In a few cases, customers say they're after a generator because of concerns about Y2K. For the most part, people are a "little reluctant," and talk about their cottage or frequent power outages. "If we get through the New Year and there's no problem," he says, "no one wants to look foolish."
Generators run from 1,850 watts for $749 to 7,000 watts for about $2,500. The quiet running 1850 is mostly sold for motor homes and campers. "Some of the bigger ones are noisy," he says. "Campsite restrictions don't allow a generator pounding away." Electric self starters add to the cost as well but are far easier to start than pulling on a cord, especially with larger models. Unless you order an exceptionally large generator, you won't be able to run an electric stove or heater. "We haven't gone into that possibility," he says. "It's beyond the price range of the average household." Generators are mostly used to power the blower or circulator for oil-fired furnaces. They're bought to run fridges, deep freezes, sump pumps, well pumps and lights. A submersible pump requires one rated at 3500 to 5000 watts. "A 7000-watt generator can run that stuff without being selective." An 1850-watt generator will run all day on ten litres or so of gasoline.
Surge — the extra power drawn when an appliance motor starts — is an important matter. A fridge for example, needs 800 watts when running, but starting up demands 2300. A generator rated for 5000 watts has a surge capability of 6250. One rated at 1850 watts is in reality a 1500 watt with surge capability of 1850. "You have to read the information," he says. Noise is another consideration. Some homeowners install their generators in a small outbuilding — it protects their ears while keeping their units out of the weather. Some store them indoors then set them up in the carport or other shelter during power outages.
Sonny Hubley of Hubley's Electrical Limited says installing a generator is best left to the experts. Generators don't come with a disconnect switch, a special feature that makes sure power travels one way only — to the house and not back into the power line. Without it, two things can happen when Nova Scotia Power restores electric service. The generator can be severely damaged, and any linemen working on the power line risks electrocution because of a backfeed into the power line from the generator. It has happened.
[Excerpted from the Bridgewater Bulletin, 15 September 1999]
1999 September 23 12:01am
Macdonald Bridge
Third Lane Opens for Traffic
Effective Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 12:01am, three-lane operations for automobile and truck traffic began on the Angus L. Macdonald Bridge across Halifax Harbour. The centre lane reverses to accomodate peak period traffic. From 12:01am to 12:00 noon, there will be two lanes for traffic toward Halifax, and from 12:01pm to 12:00 midnight there will be two lanes for traffic toward Dartmouth. The direction of traffic in the centre lane is indicated by overhead traffic lights placed at nine locations across the bridge. The $51,000,000 Macdonald Bridge Third Lane Project included major refurbishment of the 44-year-old bridge and its approaches.
[Halifax Daily News, 21 September 1999]
Angus Lewis Macdonald was Premier of Nova Scotia
5 September 1933 to 10 July 1940,
and again 8 September 1945 to 13 April 1954.
1999 September 23
100 Days To the Triple Zero
Only 100 days remain until January 1, 2000.
1999 September 23
CRTC Approves Sale
Access Communications Incorporated
Access Cable Television Bedford/Sackville Limited
Halifax Cablevision Limited
Shaw will now serve more than 53% of
Nova Scotia's basic cable subscribers
CRTC Decision 99-446, 23 September 1999
Shaw Communications Inc.,
on behalf of Fundy Cable Ltd.
Shaw Cablesystems Ltd.,
on behalf of
Access Communications Incorporated
and on behalf of
Access Cable Television Bedford/Sackville Limited
Halifax Cablevision Limited
Nova Scotia
Dartmouth and surrounding areas
Digby and surrounding areas
Sandy Cove/Mink Cove
Little River/Tiddville/East Ferry
Kentville/New Minas
Mount Uniacke/Lakelands;
New Brunswick
Sussex/Sussex Corner and surrounding areas
Acquisitions of effective control – Approved
1. The Commission approves the application by Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw), on behalf of Fundy Cable Ltd. (Fundy Cable) for authority to acquire effective control of Fundy Cable. Shaw will acquire all the issued and outstanding shares of Fundy Communications Inc., Fundy Cable's parent corporation.
2. The purchase price related to this transaction is $460,000,000 subject to adjustments at closing.
3. The Commission approves the applications by Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. (Shaw Cablesystems), on behalf of Access Communications Incorporated (Access) for authority to acquire effective control of Access and its subsidiary, Kings Cable Limited.
4. The Commission also approves the application by Shaw Cablesystems, on behalf of Access, to acquire 45% voting equity in Halifax Cablevision
5. Further, the Commission approves the application by Shaw Cablesystems, on behalf of Access Cable Television Bedford/Sackville Limited (ACTBS) for authority to acquire effective control of ACTBS.
6. The purchase price related to these transactions is $167,000,000 subject to adjustments at closing.
7. Based on the evidence filed with the applications, the Commission has no concerns with respect to the availability or the adequacy of the required financing.
8. Shaw, the parent corporation of Shaw Cablesystems, is the second largest cable operator in Canada. As result of the approval of these applications, Shaw will significantly increase its presence in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. It will serve more than 74% of New Brunswick's basic cable subscribers and more than 53% of Nova Scotia's basic cable subscribers.
9. The Commission is persuaded that approval of these applications is in the public interest and consistent with the objectives of the Canadian broadcasting policy set out in section 3 of the Broadcasting Act...
Source: CRTC website at
SEDAR profile of Shaw Communications Incorporated
Shaw's Atlantic Canada cable system statistics:
316,680 Homes Passed
256,898 Subscribers
81.1% Penetration
- Shaw Communications Incorporated has its main office at 630 Third Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta. The directors and officers, as a group, own directly or indirectly, or exercise control or direction over 81.2% of the Class A Participating shares and 15.4% of the Class B Non-voting Participating Shares based on the list of registered shareholders of the Company as of January 18, 2000. As of 18 January 2000, the Company's directors are:
- John L. Bragg, Collingwood, Nova Scotia
President of Oxford Frozen Foods Ltd. Oxford, Nova Scotia
CEO of Halifax Cablevision Limited
CEO of the Bragg Cable Group
Canada's largest privately owned cable group
Director of Shaw Communications Inc. since 1994
- Julia Conway, Toronto, Ontario
Chair of the Shaw Children's Programming Initiative
Director of Shaw Communications Inc. since 1995
- Jim Dinning, Calgary, Alberta
Executive Vice-President, Sustainable Development and External Relations
TransAlta Corporation
Former Member of the Alberta Legislature who held a number of Cabinet
positions, including Provincial Treasurer, Minister of Education, and Minister of
Community and Occupational Health
Director of Shaw Communications Inc. since 1997
- George F. Galbraith, Vernon, British Columbia
Former president of Vercom Cable Services Limited, which operated the cable television system serving Vernon, B.C.
Director of Shaw Communications Inc. since 1990
- Charles V. Keating, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Former Chairman of Access Communications Inc., which operates several cable
television systems in Nova Scotia and owns 45% of Halifax Cable TV Ltd.
Director of Shaw Communications Inc. since 1985
- Rt. Hon. Donald F. Mazankowski, Vegreville, Alberta
Former Member of Parliament who held several Cabinet positions, including Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
Director of Shaw Communications Inc. since 1993
- Jeffrey Royer, Toronto, Ontario
Private investor
Director of Shaw Communications Inc. since 1995
- Brad Shaw, Calgary, Alberta
Vice President, Operations, British Columbia, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, of Shaw
Cablesystems G.P.
Director of Shaw Communications Inc. since 1999
- J.R. Shaw, Calgary, Alberta
Chairman of the Board, Executive Chair of Shaw Communications Inc.
Director of Shaw Communications Inc. since 1966
- Leslie E. Shaw, St. James, Barbados
Chairman of Shaw Industries Limited
President and Managing Director of Shaw Global Services Limited, a wholly-owned Barbados subsidiary of Shaw Industries Ltd.
Director of Shaw Communications Inc. since 1972
- J.C. Sparkman, Englewood, Colorado
Former Executive Vice President and Executive Officer of Telecommunications Inc. (also known as TCI), one of the largest cable television operators in the United States
Director of Shaw Communications Inc. since 1994
- Willard Yuill
Chairman, Monarch Communications Inc., which operates cable television systems and
radio stations in Alberta
Director of Shaw Communications Inc. since 1999
- Officers of Shaw Communications Inc.:
- J.R.Shaw, Calgary, Alberta; Chairman of the Board and CEO
- Jim Shaw, Calgary, Alberta; President and COO
- Peter Bissonnette, Calgary, Alberta; Senior V.P. Operations
- Michael d'Avella, Calgary, Alberta; Senior V.P. Planning
- Margot M. Micallef, Calgary, Alberta; General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
- Michael G. Ostopowich, Calgary, Alberta; V.P. Finance
- Ronald D. Rogers, Calgary, Alberta; Senior V.P., Chief Financial Officer
- Ken C.C. Stein, Toronto, Ontario; Senior V.P. Corporate and Regulatory Affairs
- Robert Watson, Calgary, Alberta; President, Shaw FiberLink Inc.
Shaw Communications Inc. Annual Information Form, page 26
18 January 2000 at http://www.sedar.com/
Additional information including Directors' and Officers' remuneration and indebtedness, principal holders of the Corporation's securities ... is contained in the Corporation's Information Circular dated 1 November 1999.
Shaw Receives CRTC Approval for
Atlantic Canada Cable Acquisitions
Calgary, Alberta, 24 September 1999
Shaw Communications Inc. announced today that it had received CRTC approval for its acquisitions in Atlantic Canada consisting of a 75% interest in Access Communications Inc. (which also owns a 45% interest in Halifax Cablevision Ltd.), 100% of Access Communications Bedford Sackville Limited and 100% of Fundy Communications Inc. ("Fundy").
The Access Communications cable systems service approximately 52,000
basic subscribers principally located in Dartmouth, Kentville and New Minas, Nova Scotia. In addition, Access also owns a 45% interest in Halifax Cablevision Limited which serves approximately 70,000 basic subscribers in Halifax and a number of other communities throughout Nova Scotia. The Bedford/Sackville, Nova Scotia system has approximately 20,500 basic subscribers. Fundy serves approximately 192,000 subscribers in New Brunswick.
These acquisitions represent a significant critical mass of over a quarter of a million subscribers in Atlantic Canada joined by a single network with significant opportunities to lower signal distribution, marketing and telecommunications costs, and to create a menu of programming and Internet-based services that would be available throughout the two provinces. In addition, these systems will complement Shaw's existing operations in the rest of Canada and strengthen the Company's position as a national cable television system operator in seven provinces across Canada.
The total purchase price of the two transactions is $627,000,000. The consideration for the acquisitions will consist of the issuance by Shaw of Class B Shares valued at $232,500,000, the assumption of long-term debt, other liabilities and cash. Shaw Communications Inc. is a diversified Canadian communications company whose core business is providing broadband cable television and Internet services to approximately 1,500,000 customers. Shaw also has significant interests in direct-to-home satellite television services as well as providing telecommunications and paging services to individual and business customers. Shaw is traded on the Alberta, Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges.
Shaw Communications Inc. news release, 24 September 1999
Cable Subscription Packages
Shaw offers a variety of cable packages that its customers may choose from:
Basic cable with local broadcast stations, local programming, Canadian and international news services, weather, TSN and major U.S. networks. The majority of Shaw's customers receive between 28 to 41 channels on Basic cable.
Full cable service is the Basic cable package with a choice of one or any combination of three tiers:
Tier 1 including
The Learning Channel and
CTV Sportsnet
Tier 2 including
Discovery Channel
Life Network
Fox and
Tier 3 including
History Television
The Comedy Network
The Golf Channel
Home & Garden Television
Outdoor Life Network
Family Channel
Superstation TBS (Atlanta)
Black Entertainment Television (in Eastern Canada) and
Space - The Imagination Station.
Digital Cable including
an interactive electronic program guide
parental controls
30 digital music formats (DMX)
new specialty and ethnic services
cable exclusives such as NFL Sunday Ticket and
up to 50 channels of impulse pay-per-view.
Cable Subscription Rates
Shaw obtains its revenue through monthly charges to customers. The average rates in effect at 31 August 1999 are as follows:
Basic $19.48 per month
Single tier $ 8.99 per month
All three tiers $14.77 per month
Pay TV $16.74 per month
Pay-per-view movies/events $ 3.99 and above, depending on the feature
DCT box $10.95 per month
Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) is a Canadian-controlled corporation incorporated under the laws of the Province of Alberta on 9 December 1966, and became a public company on 14 November 1972. Its corporate name was changed from Capital Cable TV Ltd. to Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. on 29 February 1984 and it was continued under the Business Corporations Act (Alberta) on 1 March 1984. The change of the corporate name to Shaw Communications Inc. occurred on 12 May 1993.
Company of Nature of Operations
Shaw Cablesystems Company Nova Scotia Television Distribution Services
Shaw Cablesystems (SMB) Nova Scotia Television Distribution Services
Shaw Cablesystems (SSK) Nova Scotia Television Distribution Services
Prairie Co-Ax TV Company Nova Scotia Television Distribution Services
Shaw Cablesystems G.P. Alberta Television Distribution Services,
Internet Access
Shaw FiberLink Ltd. Ontario Telecommunications Services
Corus Radio Company Nova Scotia Radio Distribution and
Programming Services
YTV Canada, Inc. Federal Television Broadcasting and
Programming Services
Shaw MobileComm Inc. Federal Paging Services
591812 B.C. Ltd. (80%) British Columbia Digital Audio Music Services
Canadian Satellite Federal Satellite-based solutions for business
Communications Inc. and Direct to Home Satellite
(Cancom) (35%)
3247236 Canada Inc. Federal Television Broadcasting and
(90% voting, 80% equity) Programming Services
Shaw Acquisition Inc. Federal Investment Holding Company
Shaw Communications Inc. Annual Information Form
18 January 2000
at http://www.sedar.com/
Shaw Acquires Additional Cancom Shares
Calgary, Alberta, 15 October 1999
Shaw Communications Inc. announced today that it has acquired an additional 2,941,634 common shares of Canadian Satellite Communications Inc. ("Cancom") on conversion of redeemable convertible preferred shares of Cancom held by Shaw Communications Inc. following the share exchange transaction between Cancom and Star Choice Communications Inc. As a result of the conversion, Shaw Communications Inc. now holds 6,875,324 common shares representing approximately 36.55% of the outstanding common shares of Cancom...
Shaw Communications Inc. news release, 15 October 1999
Shaw Communications Inc. Class A Participating Shares are listed on the Canadian Venture Exchange under symbol SJR.A. Its Class B Non-voting Participating Shares are listed on the Canadian Venture and Toronto Stock Exchanges SJR.B and on the New York Stock Exchange SJR.
1999 September 24
Hawboldt Industries Opens
New Manufacturing Plant
In 1906, Chester inventor Forman Hawboldt started building marine engines in a barn behind his house. Ninety three years later, on September 24, Hawboldt Industries (1989) Limited in Chester officially opened its new $3.5-million, 3,700 square metre facility. The well-attended ceremony featured a small army of proud employees and Mr. Hawboldt's son, Frank Hawboldt. Foundry supervisor Darren Rodenhiser, who, like other employees, brought his family to the grand opening, said, "It's great. It's a lot more healthy. Before in the foundry there were fumes. Now there's no smoke and it's cleaner." Hawboldt Industries has manufactured marine equipment in Chester for the past 93 years. The ISO 9001-certified company constructed the new plant just outside the village in Robinsons Corner. Ten new employees have already been hired and more will be added in the near future. Hawboldt currently employs 50 people. New equipment has been added to the plant, including electric furnaces, overhead cranes and new machinery with digital read-outs. Initially opened to supply the fishing industry with deck machinery, trawl winches and foundry cast marine propellors, the company now manufactures hydraulic deck machinery for the marine, industrial and military markets, anchor windlasses, capstans, winches and cranes and associated hydraulic systems as well. Products for the international fishing market include shellfish handling equipment, trawl winches, monofilament reels and small to large marine propellors. Hawboldt production manager Donald McCarron told the crowd the facility "ensures the continuation of a proud company."
Co-owner John Risley said the company is adapting to changing times. "The marine industry as we used to know it in Nova Scotia is not just a fishing dependant marine industry now. It's an industry that involves all sorts of things and we in the fishing industry are trying to cope with change, learning to live alongside an important new player in Nova Scotia's and the region's economy, the oil and gas industry. And this new plant is about dealing with that change, understanding that the future holds challenge, holds uncertainty but it also holds promise and opportunity." He said this day is for the employees of Hawboldt, who are responsible for the company's ongoing success.
Sable Offshore Energy Incorporated president and general manager John Brannan said the natural gas industry is only beginning to develop. "Twenty-two months is what it took to pull this whole thing together; $2-billion; 4,000 employees; people working on the project and it's just been outstanding. And I tell you what, the success of this project has been largely due to the attitude of Nova Scotians. It can only get bigger and better. I'd like to attribute that to the can-do attitude of Nova Scotians in helping us get to where we are today and certainly I see that can-do attitude here at Hawboldt Industries." He advised Hawboldt to partner with other companies around the world to take advantage of the industry. Announced that same day were two such agreements. Hawboldt is partnering with Hydralift AS of Norway, which manufactures cranes for the marine and offshore industry, and Pioneer Cranes of Kansas City, United States, which manufactures a crane that provides a 540-degree boom rotation and a virtual 360-degree work zone without a front bumper outrigger. Hawboldt will help manufacture Hydralift products and will act as an agent for Pioneer. Queens County MLA Kerry Morash, on behalf of the Honourable Minister Gordon Balser and Nova Scotia Economic Development Corporation, said the new plant is a monument to the commitment of, "generations of South Shore residents." The provincial government loaned the company $2,700,000. "Such support is an investment in rural Nova Scotia. By expanding its operation and increasing exports, Hawboldt Industries is also improving the economy of Lunenburg County. New exports leads to greater growth for the company and in turn more jobs and improved skills for Nova Scotians. Hawboldt Industries is a success story; your success. A 93-year-old history of doing business in Nova Scotia, ISO certification, growing markets and products, an increase in staff, and today's opening are testimonials to it." ACOA spokesman Stuart MacDonald continued this theme. "From ACOA's perspective Hawboldt is a role model for other Nova Scotia companies. Nova Scotia companies can compete around the world and we should not be afraid to spread that message or seek those opportunities." The agency lent the company $110,000. The balance of the expansion was funded by the company.
Following the ceremony, Frank Hawboldt toured the expansive plant. "Well, it's quite a change," he said with obvious admiration. "My father had no formal training, no engineering training. He did it all himself and built an iron foundry in the barn behind the house and built his own patterns. I wish he could be here to see what it turned into." Mr. Hawboldt, himself, went to work at the company after graduating in 1934 as a mechanical engineer. This was during The Great Depression. He took over the business in the 1940s and retired in 1968. Although "there's been an awful lot of changes," Mr. Hawboldt said, "it's nice to see that after nearly 100 years it's still going."
[Lunenburg Progress-Enterprise, 29 September 1999
and http://www.hawboldt.ns.ca/sept27pr.htm ]
[Adapted from Hawboldt's press release]
On Friday, September 24, 1999 Hawboldt Industries celebrated the Grand Opening of their new 3700-square-metre manufacturing facilities. Still in Chester but now closer to Highway 103, 45 minutes from downtown Halifax. The expansion started in November 1998 and is a result of increased activities and higher demands for Hawboldt products world wide. The company received a loan from Nova Scotia Business Development Corporation and Hawboldt funds the rest of the expansion. The work force has already exceeded the number of jobs the expansion would create; the total number of employees is now 50.
To meet demands in industries like oil & gas, shipbuilding, fisheries and navy, Hawboldt Industries has entered into two new strategic partnerships. One is with Hydralift AS of Norway. Hydralift manufactures cranes for both the marine and offshore Industry. "We are happy to announce this partnership with Hydralift," says Mr. Lee Dewolfe, General Manager of Hawboldt. "Not only do we now have access to a very well known crane manufacturer whose products are used world wide, we are also able to do part production of these in our new facilities. This is vital to our customers as delivery time, transportation and local manufacturing plays a major role in their decision making when choosing a supplier."
Hawboldt Industries is one of seven companies in Nova Scotia who is CWB (Canadian Welding Bureau) certified to weld both steel and aluminum, W47.1 & W47.2. New equipment has also been added to the new plant. Electric furnaces, overhead cranes and new machinery with digital readout, all equipment that will increase Hawboldt's ability to meet the increasing demand for custom designed products and a speedy delivery time.
Hawboldt Industries was founded in 1906 by Foreman Hawboldt as a machine shop and foundry in Chester, Nova Scotia, to support the Atlantic fishery.
Hawboldt Industries website: http://www.hawboldt.ns.ca/
1999 September 25
Cost of Hard Drive Data Storage
Falls Below 2¢ per Megabyte
Below $20.00 per Gigabyte
PC Centre, 121 Ilsley Drive, Burnside Industrial Park, Dartmouth, in quarter-page display advertisements in the Halifax Daily News and the Chronicle-Herald on this day, offered for sale a 10.2 gigabyte hard drive priced below 2¢ per megabyte. The store price was stated as $199.00 plus 15% HST, less $40.00 mail-in rebate, making the cost to the purchaser $188.85, and yielding a cost of 1.85¢ per megabyte. The ad contained no information about the name of the manufacturer, warranty, or other details. On 27 September, I went to the store and enquired about this special, and was told these are 5400 rpm drives made by Fujitsu.
Historical notes about Cost of Hard Drives
In August 2000, the price fell below below 1¢ per megabyte.
1999 September 28
Queen Elizabeth's Pony Express Proclamation
Arrives on Cunard Flagship Queen Elizabeth II
When the Cunard flagship QE II docked in Halifax right on time on the morning of 28 September, Susan Clark (representing the Associated Press), Lieutenant Governor James J. Kinley (in uniform), Halifax Town Crier (in uniform), Mayor of Halifax Walter Fitzgerald, and TV crews from all the major channels were there. The Cunard representative sneaked the text up the gangplank (we had agreed with Cunard that this would be easier for all than to try to get it to QE II at some previous stop). The Captain then brought the proclamation down the gangplank, handed it to the Lieutenant Governor (as the Queen's personal representative here), who handed it to the Mayor of Halifax, who handed it to the Town Crier, who read it in the best town crier style. Then the Town Crier walked outside Pier 20 to hand it up to the first rider Gwen Dexter. Accompanied by Constable Barb Eyer and Halifax's last remaining police horse, Justice, they rode off to considerable applause.
[Excerpted from Memoirs, by Jim Fisher of Victoria Beach, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia. Mr. Fisher was the principal organizer of the Sesquicentennial Celebration of the Nova Scotia Pony Express of 1849.]
1999 September 28
Kings Municipality Getting Ready for Y2K
Work is proceeding on making sure that the Kings County financial system can handle the work properly after the computer clocks roll over at the end of December. Kings Municipal Council heard from staff that debugging and the installation of new software is almost complete. While some minor costs are to be expected in the future, the project looks like it will come in under the $25,000 budgeted for its completion by year's end.
[Kentville Advertiser, 28 September 1999]
1999 September 29
Yarmouth Community Heritage Web Page
On this day, the Yarmouth Community Heritage Web Pagewas officially launched at
Western Counties Regional Library headquarters. Wayde Brown, head of the Heritage Unit, Nova Scotia Department of Tourism and Culture, was on hand to mark the occasion. A year's work has gone into the preparation of the website. It began when two students from Burridge Campus of the Nova Scotia Community College designed a webpage and placed in it records of the heritage properties in the Municipality of Yarmouth. Recent Library Net funding brought the project through to completion with a redesigned webpage and the inclusion of properties with heritage status within the Town of Yarmouth. A search of the Heritage Website is easy. Properties can be located by owner, date of construction, or street location. The Yarmouth Community Heritage Web Page is a partnership project of the Joint Heritage Advisory Committee and Western Counties Regional Library.
Yarmouth Vanguard, 19 October 1999
When it was launched, the Yarmouth Community Heritage Web Page was located at
In April 2000, it was moved to
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