History of Nova Scotia
with special attention given to
Communications and Transportation

with links to each chapter

Mike Lesk has pointed out that the costs of just the buildings of the new [1990s] British Library in London and the new French National Library in Paris are two or three times higher than the costs of converting their book collections to a digital format.

In a more rational world, the money going into bricks and mortar would have gone into scanning the books, which would have provided much more rapid and convenient access to the data for scholars [and for everyone else who might be interested]. The physical volumes themselves could be housed in cheap warehouses, for the rare occasions when they might have to be consulted.

However, user resistance to new media, copyright constraints, and the politicians' and the public's liking for visible edifices make it hard to take that step...

On The Road To Electronic Publishing Revised version, 30 April 1996
by Andrew Odlyzko, AT&T Research

Michael Lesk

  1. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Before 31 December 1699
  2. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1700 to Dec 1769
  3. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1770 to Dec 1775
  4. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1776 Jan to Dec
  5. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1777 to Dec 1779
  6. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1780 to Dec 1819
  7. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1820 to Dec 1839
  8. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1840 to Dec 1849
  9. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1850 to Dec 1859
  10. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1860 to Dec 1869
  11. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1870 to Dec 1879
  12. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1880 to Dec 1889
  13. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1890 to Dec 1893
  14. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1894 to Dec 1899
  15. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1900 to Dec 1904
  16. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1905 to Dec 1909
  17. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1910 to Dec 1919
  18. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1920 to Dec 1939
  19. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1940 to Dec 1949
  20. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1950 to Dec 1959
  21. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1960 to Dec 1969
  22. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1970 to Dec 1979
  23. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1980 to Dec 1989
  24. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, Jan 1990 to Dec 1993
  25. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1994 Jan to Dec
  26. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1995 Jan to Dec
  27. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1996 Jan to Dec
  28. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1997 January - June
  29. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1997 July - September
  30. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1997 October - November
  31. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1997 December
  32. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1998 January
  33. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1998 February
  34. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1998 March
  35. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1998 April
  36. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1998 May
  37. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1998 June
  38. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1998 July
  39. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1998 August
  40. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1998 September - October
  41. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1998 November - December
  42. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1999 January - March
  43. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1999 April - June
  44. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1999 July - August
  45. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1999 September
  46. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1999 October
  47. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1999 November
  48. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1999 December 1-15
  49. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 1999 December 16-31
  50. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 January 1-15
  51. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 January 16-31
  52. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 February 1-15
  53. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 February 16-28
  54. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 March 1-19
  55. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 March 20-31
  56. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 April 1-14
  57. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 April 15-30
  58. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 May 1-9
  59. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 May 10-31
  60. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 June 1-15
  61. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 June 16-30
  62. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 July 1-18
  63. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 July 19-31
  64. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 August 1-5
  65. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 August 6-31
  66. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 September 1-12
  67. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 September 13-30
  68. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 October 1-21
  69. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 October 22-31
  70. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 November 1-12
  71. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 November 13-19
  72. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 November 20-30
  73. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 December 1-19
  74. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2000 December 20-31
  75. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2001 January 1-21
  76. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2001 January 22-31
  77. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2001 February
  78. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2001 March
  79. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2001 April - December
  80. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2002 January - 2003 December
  81. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2004 January - 2005 December
  82. Go To: History of Nova Scotia, 2006 January onward

Scholarly Exploitation of Digital Resources: a Workshop for Historians
"The recommendations in this report are in general intended to facilitate a culture change which would integrate computing into history, because many of the identified obstacles and needs are interdependent and interacting. Of crucial importance is the integration of IT in history teaching at all education levels..."

Wayback Machine
Wayback Machine

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Archive of This Document:
History of Nova Scotia, Chapter Index

The Wayback Machine has copies of this webpage from the early days:
Archived: 2000 August 19

Archived: 2001 April 26

Archived: 2001 October 30

Archived: 2002 February 9

Archived: 2002 August 30

Archived: 2003 April 29

Archived: 2003 July 6

Note: The fourteen-digit number embedded in these URLs is structured: YYYYMMDDhhmmss
It records the date and time each document copy was downloaded for archiving.

Go To:   History of Telegraph and Telephone Companies in Nova Scotia
Go To:   History of Automobiles in Nova Scotia
Go To:   History of Electric Power Companies in Nova Scotia
Go To:   History of Railway Companies in Nova Scotia
Go To:   Index to other online Nova Scotia History
Go To:   Nova Scotia Quotations

Go To:   Photographs of War Memorials and Historic Monuments in Nova Scotia

Go To:   Home Page

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Latest update:   2006 June 12