History of Nova Scotia
with special attention given to
Communications and Transportation
Chapter 54
2000 March 1-19
Index with links to the other chapters
2000 March 1
High Speed Internet Comes to Sydney
A $3,000,000 investment by the EastLink Companies will bring high speed Internet services to Sydney's residential market through cable modem technology. Company president David Caldwell made the official announcement Wednesday, March 1st, in Sydney. "With the expanding knowledge economy here in Cape Breton, it simply makes sense for us to make this market a priority," said Caldwell.
Beginning immediately, the service will be offered to those cable subscribers living within the former boundaries of the city of Sydney. Service for the remaining EastLink cable subscribers and for business will be phased in over the remainder of the year. Caldwell expects by the end of the year, 90% of the company's 17,000 subscribers in the regional municipality will be offered the service.
While EastLink is the first to provide the service in Sydney, other Cape Breton communities have been speeding down the information highway for about three years. Communities like Glace Bay, New Waterford, Low Point and Dominion have coverage provided through Seaside Cable. EastLink, a privately owned Nova Scotia company based in Halifax, is the sixth largest cable provider in Canada and has 175,000 customers across Nova Scotia.
[Cape Breton Post, 2 March 2000]
Reference: EastLink website at http://www.eastlink.ca/
2000 March 1
Summerville CAP Site Opens
On the evening of Wednesday, March 1st, a public ceremony at Dr. Arthur Hines School in Summerville, Hants County, marked the opening of the Hants Shore Community Access Program (CAP) site. The new facility features computer websites for individuals living in the area, internet job search, children's encyclodedia, and community archives.
[The Hants Journal, Windsor, 1 March 2000]
2000 March 1
Interhop/Auracom Points of Presence
ISP (Internet Service Provider) Interhop Network Services Inc.
including Auracom Internet Services
Points of Presence in Nova Scotia
as of 1 March 2000
902-661-1115 Amherst
902-863-1444 Antigonish
902-756-2169 Baddeck
902-637-1404 Barrington
902-275-2105 Blandford
902-665-5022 Bridgetown
902-624-1705 Bridgewater
902-624-1705 Chester
902-235-2031 Cheticamp
902-245-6953 Digby
902-883-3401 Elmsdale
902-533-5005 Guysborough
902-429-5757 Halifax
902-492-0277 Halifax (56k)
902-684-1609 Hantsport
902-258-2274 Inverness
902-678-1189 Kentville
902-527-5908 LaHave
902-354-7007 Liverpool
902-354-2327 Liverpool (v.90)
902-624-1705 Lunenburg
902-624-1705 Mahone Bay
902-624-0243 Mahone Bay (v.90)
902-261-2691 Maitland
902-248-2023 Margaree Forks
902-833-2040 Melrose
902-825-5105 Middleton
902-527-5908 New Germany
902-752-9353 New Glasgow
902-275-2105 New Ross
902-485-7501 Pictou
902-625-4702 Port Hawkesbury
902-762-0197 Pubnico
902-527-5908 Riverport
902-875-8092 Shelburne
902-833-2040 Sherbrooke
902-527-5908 Springfield
902-562-5582 Sydney
902-897-8052 Truro
902-657-9701 Wallace
902-624-1705 Western Shore
902-837-4045 Weymouth
902-798-6006 Windsor
902-749-4554 Yarmouth
Source: The Interhop website at
The above list of POPs has been accurately reproduced here, from the source website. I have a few observations about the POPs in Lunenburg County:
902-624-1705 Bridgewater
902-624-1705 Chester
902-624-1705 Lunenburg
902-624-1705 Mahone Bay
902-624-1705 Western Shore
Customers in Bridgewater, Lunenburg, Mahone Bay, Western Shore and Chester are all assigned to 902-624-1705, the Mahone Bay exchange, which seems reasonable.
902-527-5908 LaHave
902-527-5908 New Germany
902-527-5908 Riverport
902-527-5908 Springfield
Customers in Riverport, LaHave, New Germany, and Springfield are all assigned to 902-527-5908, but 527 is a Bridgewater exchange, while Bridgewater customers are assigned to 624, Mahone Bay.
902-275-2105 Blandford
902-275-2105 New Ross
Customers in Blandford and New Ross are assigned to 902-275-2105, but 275 is the Chester exchange while Chester customers are assigned to 624, Mahone Bay.
Perhaps these arrangements came about because of the historical stages of the development of the service in this area.
2000 March 1
SolutionInc Limited
MicroAge Ottawa has signed a reseller agreement with SolutionInc Limited of Halifax. This agreement gives MicroAge the opportunity to distribute SolutionIP VBN servers in the national capital region. SolutionIP VBN Servers enable plug and play connectivity to the Internet in a variety of environments — from hotels to condominiums to airport lounges. "MicroAge Ottawa is a very well respected organization, and we're pleased to establish this partnership," said Michael Jewett, Vice President Business Development with SolutionInc. "This agreement will help SolutionInc build our presence in the national capital region, and will ensure that MicroAge is able to meet customer demand for easy-to-use, secure access to high-speed Internet services as well as advanced networking solutions." "In our research to determine the best solution for our customers, we quickly saw the potential for the SolutionIP VBN Server, not only for the hospitality industry, but in other markets as well," said Mark Sigouin, Manager of Professional Services with MicroAge Ottawa. "We look forward to a long and successful relationship with SolutionInc."
About MicroAge Ottawa
MicroAge Ottawa is a franchise of Hartco Enterprises Inc., a publicly traded company located in Montreal, with annual revenues exceeding $500,000,000. MicroAge Ottawa's connection with Hartco — and its 120 franchise locations across the country — make it part of the largest computer reseller network in the country. An international affiliation through MicroAge International lends MicroAge Ottawa the strength of 1,700 business centres worldwide. MicroAge Ottawa maintains long term customer relationships with some of Canada's largest corporations, including Bell Canada, TD Bank, Stentor and the Department of National Defence.
About SolutionInc Limited
SolutionInc Limited designs and manufactures the SolutionIP suite of high performance, Linux-based products to enable advanced networking capability. SolutionIP VBN Servers provide a seamless solution for connecting and managing nomadic users of broadband and wireless networks in public access areas such as hotels, multi-dwelling units, multi-tenant units, campuses and airports.
SolutionInc Limited media release
SolutionInc Limited website at
MicroAge Ottawa website at
Hartco Enterprises Inc. website at
- SolutionInc Limited [RJSC ID#3005484] has its registered office at
101 Ilsley Avenue, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. As of 20 March 2000, the company's directors were:
- Tim W. Wilson, Bedford, Nova Scotia; Chairman/Chief Technical Officer
- Andrew McLeod, Halifax, Nova Scotia; Secretary/Treasurer/COO
- Glenn R. Jessome, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Michael G. Ryan, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Source: Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies [RJSC]
[Note: In August 2000, the RJSC website was moved to
http://www.gov.ns.ca/snsmr/business/rjsc/ ]
2000 March 1
Gasoline Prices Set New Record in Nova Scotia
Gasoline prices across Nova Scotia soared to a historic high yesterday. Prices jumped three cents a litre to a record-high 74.9 cents for regular self-serve at most stations. Refineries have raised their prices and the increase is being passed along to consumers, said Dave Collins, vice-president of Wilson Fuel Co. Ltd., which supplies gas to sixty stations in Atlantic Canada. "It's good old-fashioned greed," he said. Refinery prices for gasoline have been climbing steadily for nine days, Collins said. Imperial Oil spokesman Pierre Desrochers of Montreal said he couldn't confirm that. "I will have to verify that," he said. No one from Irving Oil, which has the largest refinery in Canada, could be reached for comment. "At these margins, there is a lot of money being made at the refinery level," said Collins, who is also president of the Independent Retail Gas Marketers Association of Canada. Gas prices also shot up three cents a litre at many stations in New Brunswick. Furnace oil and diesel prices didn't go up. Collins said those prices are starting to come down. Heating oil was selling for 45.9 cents a litre Tuesday and diesel was down to 71.9 from its recent peak of 78.9.
[The Sault Star, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 1 March 2000]
The Sault Star website at http://www.saultstar.com/
[A longer version of the same item appeared in The Kitchener-Waterloo Record 1 March 2000]
Gasoline Prices Continue to Rise
Gas prices continued their record climb Wednesday, reaching nearly 78 cents per litre for a full-service fill up of regular unleaded gasoline at most Cape Breton service stations. While Sydney and Glace Bay area stations charged an average of 77.9 cents per litre for full-serve gas, some island stations were charging as much as 78.9 cents per litre. In the Northside one station was pumping gas for 78.9 cents per litre, as was a Port Hastings retailer. Prices across the province have jumped by about three cents a litre since February 25th, when the price of crude oil topped US$27.50 per barrel. While the cost of a barrel of crude remains the same today, the refined product is not, sparking growing criticism from retailers and politicians who say big oil companies are responsible for the bloated gas prices. Furnace oil and diesel prices didn't go up.
[Cape Breton Post, 2 March 2000]
2000 March 2 1:00pm AST
CIBC Annual Meeting to be Broadcast Live
on the Internet
Canada's normally stodgy banks have lumbered into the Internet age by sending audio broadcasts of shareholders' meetings over the Web, but Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce will be the first to attempt real-time video. "Live video means live right on the Internet, like you're there, just like TV," said Shannon Bowness, spokeswoman for CIBC. "And to the best of our knowledge, we're the first to do live video." The other major banks have not ventured into that tricky technical territory, sticking so far to Internet audio feeds and slide presentations to satisfy the outcry from stockholders for more openness and information. But CIBC, the country's third-biggest bank in terms of assets, will be showing its annual meeting, held thisyear in Calgary on March 2nd, on its website starting at noon eastern time. Royal Bank of Canada, which gathered shareholders on February 23rd in Toronto, stuck to videos and slides, but still had problems. Some question whether the herky-jerky video stream of a talking suit is worth the while.
[National Post, 25 February 2000]
Live Videocast of CIBC's Annual Meeting
CIBC will broadcast its annual meeting of shareholders live in audio and video formats over the Internet beginning at 12:00noon (EST) on Thursday, March 2nd. The webcast of the meeting, to be held this year in Calgary at The Westin Hotel Calgary, will include presentations by CIBC executives to shareholders and a question and answer period.
How to Access the Webcasts
- The live and the archived annual meeting of shareholders and analyst webcasts can be accessed from CIBC's home page in the "Noteworthy" section at www.cibc.com or on CIBC's Investor Relations page at www.cibc.com/shareholder.
- Both webcasts will be archived after the presentations.
- Links to instructions and information on how to download the annual meeting of shareholders and analyst webcasts are also available at CIBC's home page under the "Noteworthy" section.
- Users interested in downloading the meetings require the RealPlayer software plugin.
Quarterly Analyst Call
CIBC will also release its first quarter results on Thursday, March 2. The conference call with bank analysts and institutional investors will also be carried live on the Internet at 4:30pm EST on the same day via an audio webcast. The webcast will include presentations by bank executives, followed by a question and answer session for analysts and institutional investors. A telephone recording of the analyst call will also be available for all investors. The recording will be available to the public following the completion of the analyst call at approximately 5:30pm EST. Those interested in listening to the tape of the analyst call can access the recording by calling 416-695-5800 and entering the passcode 414850. The instant replay of the analyst call will be available until midnight March 16, 2000.
CIBC media release, 24 February 2000
and http://www.cibc.com/download/99annmtgnoticeeng.pdf
and http://www.cibc.com/english/about_cibc/
CIBC website at http://www.cibc.com/
2000 March 3
Last-Minute Travel Website Launched
On this day, a last-minute club for travel in Atlantic Canada was launched in Halifax. Atlantic Explorer Travel Club is an Internet-based service being offered free of charge to consumers. It will list last-minute deals on discounted rooms at hotels and inns around the region, and will even allow members to sign up to have the travel information of interest to them sent to them via e-mail. Tony Thibault of Momentum Marketing Group, the parent company of Atlantic Explorer, said the participating companies, who will pay fees on a commission basis, will be able to update offers directly to the Web site through a password-protected system.
[Halifax Daily News, 4 March 2000]
Atlantic Explorer Travel Club website at
- Atlantic Explorer Travel Club is owned and operated by Momentum Marketing Group. Momentum Marketing Group [RJSC ID#3020967] has its registered office at
1801 Hollis Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Momentum Marketing Group's partners are:
- Tony Thibault, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Larry Scaravelli, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Source: Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies [RJSC]
[Note: In August 2000, the RJSC website was moved to
http://www.gov.ns.ca/snsmr/business/rjsc/ ]
2000 March 3
Strait of Canso Superport
A new era has begun for the Strait of Canso Superport. On this day, Transport Canada officially handed over the port and its facilities in Mulgrave and Port Hawkesbury to a private Mulgrave-based group. The deal includes a $10,500,000 federal contribution to fund repairs and operational and maintenance costs of the wharves, including $6,600,000 for major repairs to the south berth of the Mulgrave Marine Terminal and the Port Hawkesbury Government Wharf.
As the transfer ceremony ended, the team that negotiated the deal with Transport Canada — Mulgrave Mayor Leonard MacDonald, Paul Crissman, Tom Hall, Ken Anderson, and Basil Ryan — made a beeline for the Mulgrave Credit Union to deposit the federal cheques. Extensive work remains to be done on the Mulgrave wharf to bring it up to current commercial and safety standards. The oldest part of the terminal was built in 1944, and three separate additions have been built since then. Both Transport Canada and Superport officials, however, say the terminal is not an expensive white elephant.
The deep-water ice-free Strait of Canso Superport, located strategically on the "great circle route" favoured by international shippers between North America and Europe, is already Nova Scotia's number one port in terms of gross tonnage. In 1998, about 14,500,000 tonnes of goods were shipped via the port. Major commercial users include Martin Marietta, Georgia Pacific, Stora Enso, and Statia Terminals.
[Guysborough County Journal, 9 March 2000]
Located at 45°36'N, 61°22'W, the main harbour of the Superport is capable of accommodating Ultra Large Carriers of the 500,000 tonne class. The Strait Superport is 20km long, up to 1.5km wide, with a limiting depth of 27m.
- The Strait of Canso Superport Corporation Limited [RJSC ID#3006269] has its office at Mulgrave, Nova Scotia. As of 20 March 2000, the Corporation's directors were:
- Leonard MacDonald, Mulgrave, Nova Scotia
Mayor of the Town of Mulgrave
- William J. MacLean, Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia
Mayor of the Town of Port Hawkesbury
- Paul Crissman, Port Hastings, Nova Scotia
- Michael R. Power, Antigonish, Nova Scotia
- Sean Reid, Mulgrave, Nova Scotia
- Leslie MacIntyre, Baddeck, Nova Scotia
- Basil Ryan, Mulgrave, Nova Scotia
Source: Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies [RJSC]
In addition to the directors (above) named in the RJSC's database, the Guysborough County Journal also names the following as members of the Superport Corporation's Board of Directors:
- Ken Anderson, Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia
Member of the Port Hawkesbury Town Council
- Bert Lewis
- Lloyd Hines
Warden of the Municipality of Guysborough County
- Richie Cotton
Warden of the Municipality of Richmond County
- A.J. MacDougall
Warden of the Municipality of Inverness County
- Robert Anderson
- Phil MacDonald
Strait-Highlands Regional Development Agency
Map of Canso Superport area
Strategic Direction 5: Effective Management of the Strait of Canso Superport
http://www.strait-highlands.ns.ca/strategi.htm#STRATEGIC DIRECTION 5
Strait of Canso Superport Authority, news release, 1 November 1996
2000 March 6
Devco Pleads Guilty to Charges
Under Atomic Energy Control Act
A federal Crown corporation pleaded guilty Monday, March 6th, in Glace Bay to seven charges under the Atomic Energy Control Act. The Cape Breton Development Corp. — which operates coal mining operations on the island and is known locally as Devco — was original charged with eleven violations of the act but during a provincial court appearance Monday, the Crown withdrew four counts. The corporation is scheduled to be sentenced on the charges May 12th.
The charges were filed after inspectors with the Atomic Energy Control Board discovered a faulty radiation device known as a fixed gauge at the Phalen Colliery in Lingan last July 23rd. The underground mine has since been flooded and is no longer in operation because of recurring roof problems. It is believed that at least ten miners were exposed to excessive levels of radiation, some of whom had no indication what they were handling was dangerous. The bowling-ball-sized device uses a beam of radiation to identify obstructions in the coal chute.
[Cape Breton Post, 7 March 2000]
Process to Determine Radiation Exposure Flawed
Methods used to determine the amount of radiation miners were exposed to over a 12-year period are flawed, says a union representative. Hugh MacArthur, health and safety officer for the United Mine Workers District 26, said the only way radiation levels will be accurately determined is by looking at medical evidence down the road.
Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) officials gave miners forms to fill out this week so the board's health physicist could calculate an exposure amount. "They changed the exposure rates twice so far," said MacArthur. The form uses time versus distance to determine a number. An employee's memory is also crucial in figuring an accurate rate, he continued.
Upwards of 43 Devco miners are now reporting they were exposed to radiation while working at Phalen Colliery in Lingan. In previous reports, ten men claimed they worked near a faulty fixed gauge that exposed the workers to excessive levels of radiation. The round, bowling-ball-sized device uses a beam of radiation to identify obstructions in the chute. MacArthur said Devco is responsible for the exposures because the workers were never properly trained on how to use the device.
[Cape Breton Post, 18 March 2000]
2000 March 9
Fuel Oil Prices Hurting Schools
The Southwest Regional School Board says the higher oil prices of recent weeks are really pushing up the Board's operating costs. Jerome Tanner, director of finance and operations, said today the Board is paying and extra $750,000 for fuel that wasn't budgeted for. Tanner said the figure includes the extra cost of gasoline for running school buses, and for heating fuel for the Board's schools and other buildings.
[Halifax Daily News, 10 March 2000]
Southwest Regional School Board, Yarmouth
2000 March 9
Halifax Airport Set For March Break Traffic
The new Halifax International Airport Authority is ready for its first busy season since taking over the airport last month. "We're anticipating a twenty to twenty-five percent inrease in traffic over normal numbers because of March Break," said Dennis Rogers, president and CEO of the airport authority. On an average Friday, Rogers said the airport handles about 13,000 passengers. But tomorrow, Friday, March 10th — the beginning of the annual week-long break in Nova Scotia — that number could rise to 17,000. The private, not-for-profit organization officially took possession of the airport from the federal government on February 1st.
[Halifax Daily News, 10 March 2000]
- The Halifax International Airport Authority [RJSC ID#3039843] has its registered office at 1959 Upper Water Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. As of 20 March 2000, the Authority's directors were:
- Arthur W.D. Pickup, Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia
- Stephen L. Wallace, Bedford
- Frank Matheson, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; Vice Chairman
- William H. Richardson, Bedford
- Royden J. MacBurnie, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
- Bernard F. Miller, Halifax, Nova Scotia; Chairman
- Don Mills, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Roy Rideout, Etobicoke, Ontario
- K. Sara Filbee, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Mary R. Brooks, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Michael J. O'Hara, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
- Pierre Champagne, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Fred Smither, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Source: Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies [RJSC]
[Note: In August 2000, the RJSC website was moved to
http://www.gov.ns.ca/snsmr/business/rjsc/ ]
2000 March 9
Tall Ships 2000
Plans for Tall Ships 2000 Celebration at Halifax
Bigger than the combined fleets
at Battle of Trafalgar
At least 100 ships from 23 countries expected
Halifax is battening down the hatches for the three-quarters of a million people expected to come see the Tall Ships. Tall Ships 2000, this summer's gathering of majestic sailing ships, may rank as the largest gathering of its kind in history, says Alan Abraham, the event's chairman, a former lieutenant-governor. "We are talking world-class numbers (of ships) ... in terms of tonnage and length, this will surpass anything Halifax has ever seen," he told a news conference today in Halifax.
Halifax will be playing host to more wind-driven vessels than ever gathered together at one time in its history. Organizers expect at least 100 ships from 23 countries on July 19th and 20th — everything from towering square-riggers to sleek schooners — to descend on the port in mid-July before undertaking a transatlantic race to Amsterdam. The numbers may swell to as many as 140, eclipsing the fifty vessels that called at Halifax in June 1984.
Up to 25 will be A-class vessels — the largest sailing vessels afloat, exceeding 36 metres in length. One, the 90-metre Kaiwo Maru from Japan, has never before sailed in Atlantic waters. Only a half-dozen A-class ships were on hand sixteen years ago.
The ships begin arriving July 18th and will be tied up along the Halifax waterfront until July 24th, when they will line up for a three-hour parade up and down the harbour before departing. Ships will be berthed along the waterfront from just south of the cruiseship terminal to just north of the new casino site, said Agnes McLean, who is responsible for ship-related needs while the fleet is here. In Halifax, deliveries to the ships will take place at night, and part of Lower Water Street will be closed to vehicle traffic, except for emergencies, during the day. The event is expected to attract 750,000 people over five days and inject about $30,000,000 into the local economy. The ships will be open for tours. Concerts, dances and ceremonies are planned for residents, visitors and the 5,000 young men and women who crew the vessels.
Halifax is only one port of call for vessels taking part in what's billed "the race of the century."
The race begins April 18th in Southampton, England, while ships from the Mediterranean set out from Genoa, Italy on April 23rd. They will assemble at Cadiz, Spain, for a race — likely to take three or four weeks, working against the prevailing wind — across the Atlantic to Bermuda. After touring ports along the United States Eastern Seaboard, they gather in Boston with ships based in North and South American ports, then head to Halifax. From Halifax the fleet will embark on the last and longest leg of the voyage, the eastbound transatlantic race from Halifax to Amsterdam.
Battle of Trafalgar
21 October 1805
As the last stop before the return race to Europe, Halifax has the distinction of hosting the fleet at its largest, Mr. Abraham said. He expects the sailing fleet assembled in Halifax will be larger than the combined fleets at the decisive Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, and maybe as large as the Spanish Armada of 1588.
He's checked the history books and found there were 130 ships in the Spanish Armada and only 68 ships did battle at Trafalgar.
Interest has been building for many months, says Gerry Lunn, a curator at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic on the Halifax waterfront. "We could have someone at the front desk all the time answering tall ships questions."
[Halifax Chronicle-Herald, 10 March 2000]
[Halifax Daily News, 10 and 13 March 2000]
Dates of Cutty Sark Tall Ships Race 2000 Race
Gdansk 5 - 8 July
Helsinki 14 - 17 July
Mariehamn 21 - 23 July
Stockholm 26 - 29 July
Flensburg 4 - 7 August
Dates of the Tall Ships 2000 double Transatlantic Race
Southampton, England 12 - 16 April
Genoa, Italy 20 - 23 April
Cadiz, Spain 4 - 7 May
Hamilton, Bermuda 9 - 12 June
Boston, Massachusetts 12 - 16 July
Halifax, Nova Scotia 20 - 24 July
Amsterdam, Holland 24 - 28 August
Source: http://ds.dial.pipex.com/town/terrace/or01/tradtall.htm
Tall Ships 2000 The Race of the Century
The Tall Ships 2000 voyage has been called the Race of the Century, and justifiably so. The entire voyage will take 139 days from Southampton to Amsterdam, or 131 days from Genoa to Amsterdam. The first leg of the race has a dual start; from Southampton, England and Genoa, Italy. The two fleets race towards Cadiz, where they cross the finishing line of the first leg. The ships assemble in Cadiz for the westbound transatlantic race to Bermuda. From Bermuda the ships cruise in company to Boston. When the ships arrive in Boston they prepare for the penultimate race of Tall Ships 2000 from Boston to Halifax, Nova Scotia. From Halifax the fleet will embark on the last and longest leg of the voyage, the eastbound transatlantic race from Halifax to Amsterdam.
References: A brief search on 10 March 2000 turned up the following active websites. No doubt there are many others.
Tall Ships 2000
Related Websites
American Sail Training Association
The Battle of Trafalgar, 21 October 1805
British Ships at the Battle of Trafalgar
The Spanish Armada, 1588
Kaiwo Maru
Kaiwo Maru
Rig: 4 masted barque
Launched: 1989
Home port: Tokyo
Length overall: 110.1 m 361 feet
Beam: 13.8 m 45 feet
Draft loaded: 6.6 m 22 feet
Max. mast height: 55.5 m 182 feet
Total sail area: 2,750 square metres 29,600 square feet
18 square sails 1,780 square metres 19,160 square feet
18 fore and aft sails 970 square metres 10,440 square feet
Displacement: 2,879 gross tons
Preserved Square-rigged Ships
Pogoria was designed by marine architect Kygmant Choren and built by the Gdansk shipyards in Poland. She was launched in May 1980. Her first Captain was the famous Polish lone sailor Cris Baronowski. Pogoria is 47m 154 feet long with accommodations for up to 50 crew and students, and can be provisioned for 30 days or more. Pogoria is 342 gross tons displacement with a beam of 7.9m 26 feet and a draft of 3.6m 11 feet 6 inches carrying 1000 square metres 10,700 square feet of sail and will reach speeds of 15 knots 28 km/h. It is not uncommon for Pogoria to sail more than 250 nautical miles 460km in 24 hours.
Pogoria's website (in Polish, English not available)
2000 March 9
Public Prosecution Service Gets Computers
In March, 2000, the Nova Scotia government bought 73 desktop computers and 58 notebook computers for the provincial Public Prosecution Service. The computers were bought from Dell Computer Corporation of Round Rock, Texas, for $303,235. Compatible Computer Services, Quinpool Road, Halifax, bid $313,899 and did not get the order.
[Halifax Chronicle-Herald, 13 April 2000]
The lack of computers in the Public Prosecution Service in the mid-1990s has been cited as an important factor in the repeated bungling of the Westray Coal Mine disaster investigation and the failed prosecutions of the mine managers.
Tender ID#60066082
Tender for 73 desktop and 58 notebook computers
for the Public Prosecution Sevice in Nova Scotia.
Awarded 9 March 2000 to DELL Computer Corp., $367,032.85
Source: Nova Scotia Government website at
Note: These two sources disagree by $63,798
about the cost of this purchase.
2000 March 10
Theodore Too Captain Named
Tugboat veteran Bill Stewart of Halifax has been signed on as captain of Theodore Too, a real, ocean-going version of the star of the popular childrens' television series. Stewart has been a real tugboat captain with ECTUG (Eastern Canada Towing Limited) for 25 years. He has also been Officer in Command with the Canadian Coast Guard cutter Number 117, part of the Search and Rescue unit. In his new job, Stewart will be responsible for the safe and effective operation of Theodore Too. The real wooden tugboat, to be launched next month, weighs 105 tonnes, measures 19.5 metres from bow to stern, and is powered by a 400 horsepower 300 kilowatt engine. It is being built in Snyder's Shipyard in Dayspring, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. "I have spent my entire life around boats of all shapes and sizes,"says Stewart, who is originally from Fortune Bay, Newfoundland. "I quickly became a fan of the series. I am honoured to have been selected as the captain for Theodore Too. "We're very, very happy to have him," said Andrew Cochran, creator and executive producer of the series, which is produced in Halifax. Theodore Tugboat is seen on CBC-TV weekday mornings, and as part of PBS's Ready to Learn lineup of shows in the United States.
[Halifax Daily News, 10 March 2000]
Theodore Always Wished He Could go to Sea
A life-size replica of Theodore Tugboat, the star of the famed TV tugboat series, is a dream come true for little Teddy, says his creator Andrew Cochran. "Theodore always wished he could go to sea," he said, glancing affectionately at
the large hull under construction at Snyder's Shipyard in Dayspring, on the eastern shore of the LaHave River near Bridgewater in Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Big Theodore will be ready to steam into ports on the Eastern Seaboard of North America, and the Great Lakes, powered by a 400-horsepower diesel engine capable of pushing the boat to speeds of up to 20 kilometres an hour.
The million-dollar project is in response to the legions of little viewers who want Theodore to visit their harbours, Mr. Cochran said. Cochran Entertainment Inc. is footing the bill for the big tug. The 20-metre-long, seven-metre-wide, 95-tonne vessel. Ocean-going Teddy will have a captain and two full-time crew members. Even though Theodore will look like a tug, it won't act like one. Instead, it will be a dockside showboat that people can tour. The vessel was designed by two Nova Scotians, Fred Allen and naval architect Marius Lengkeek. The hull and wheelhouse are being made of Nova Scotia spruce, oak, birch, pine and maple. Theodore's face, hat and smokestack will be fibreglass.
"This boat is totally different from what we ever did," said shipyard owner Philip Snyder. Snyder's mainstay for more than half a century has been fishing vessels. Theodore Tugboat is an award-winning children's show produced in Halifax. Designed for preschoolers to explore feelings, fairness and friendship, it's televised in more than 70 countries.
The Halifax Chronicle-Herald, 27 May 1999
Cached article
Theodore Tugboat
Theodore Tugboat website at
Traffic on the Theodore website exceeds 5,000,000 hits a month.
Theodore Tugboat at PBS
Snyder's Shipyard
Snyder's Shipyard (book)
The Master Builder of the Avon Spirit is Philip Snyder of Snyder's Shipyard
The launching of Avon Spirit, hull number 216 at Snyder's Shipyard
2000 March 10
Historic Machinery Relocated
Locomotives became freight this week at the Museum of Industry in Stellarton, when cranes loaded them on flatbed trailers for the trip to a storage facility in town. The five vintage engines and other historic machinery also being moved weren't part of the musuem's display. They had been under wraps outdoors near the old Stellarton railway station on the museum grounds. Concern about weather damage and plans for using the outdoor space prompted the move to indoor quarters on Bridge Avenue. "The relocation provides new opportunities for the museum to utilize the railway station to attract more visitors to the museum and to enhance their experience here," said museum director Debra McNabb. Making the move are a 101-year-old locomotive built for the Sydney and Louisbourg Railway and used by Stellarton's Acadia Coal Company from 1955-63; a 94-year-old switcher that spent its final years at Westville's Drummond Mine before retiring in 1964; a 23-tonne engine donated to the museum in 1991 by Bowater Mersey Paper Co.; a gas-powered locomotive used to build the Cape Tormentine ferry terminal and at the Wallace sandstone quarry; and a 60-year-old Devco 20, one of Canada's oldest diesel locomotives.
[Halifax Chronicle-Herald, 10 March 2000]
2000 March 11
Gasoline Price Nears 80¢ a Litre
The Daily News did a random survey of gasoline prices at ten service stations in the Halifax Metro area today, and found the following prices posted for a litre of regular gasoline. All but one are for self-served fuel — the Shell station on Herring Cove Road does not have self-serve pumps.
Regular Grade Gasoline, per litre
75.9¢ Ultramar, 397 Windmill Road self-serve
78.0¢ Wilson's, 655 Sackville Drive self-serve
78.0¢ Superline, 3451 Barrington Street self-serve
78.5¢ Treaty Gas, 600 Caldwell Road self-serve
78.9¢ Esso, 6020 Young Street self-serve
78.9¢ Shell, 977 Cole Harbour Road self-serve
78.9¢ Petro-Canada, 105 Main Street self-serve
78.9¢ Ultramar, 873 Bedford Highway self-serve
80.9¢ Irving, 5620 South Street self-serve
81.9¢ Shell, 385 Herring Cove Road full service
[Halifax Sunday Daily News, 12 March 2000]
Here's the breakdown on an average 75.7-cent litre of gasoline sold yesterday in Nova Scotia:
13.5 cents provincial road tax
10.0 cents federal excise tax
9.9 cents BST (blended sales tax) 4.6 cents federal
5.3 cents provincial
26.5 cents cost of crude oil
8.8 cents refinery
7.0 cents retailer
75.7 cents
Thus, on a $30.00 fillup, you pay $16.76 for the gasoline, and $13.24 in taxes.
[Halifax Daily News, 24 March 2000]
2000 March 12
Availability of Competitive Local Telephone Service
A large display advertisement in today's Sunday Daily News lists several suburban locations near Halifax, in addition to the Halifax peninsula, where competitive local telephone service is now available. That is, residential and business customers in these suburban areas now have a choice of two — at least two — competing companies which offer local telephone service. One company is Maritime Telegraph and Telephone, which has been the monopoly supplier of local telephone service here since 1910. The other is EastLink Telephone, which placed the ad. These areas are:
- Fairmount
- Fairview
- Clayton Park
- Clayton Park West
- Rockingham
- Rockingham Ridge
- Knightsridge
- Bridgeview
- Wedgewood
- Sherwood Park
- Sherwood Heights
- Fernleigh
- Kearney Lake Road
- "With one call, you can switch to EastLink, and
- save 15% or more on local phone service
- save even more on calling features and additional lines
- keep your existing phone number
- use your existing phone jacks and wiring
- get free installation..."
"Some restrictions apply."
[Halifax Sunday Daily News, 12 March 2000]
EastLink Telephone is a division of EastLink Cable Group, a prominent owner of cable television systems in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. EastLink the first company in Canada to commercially provide local and long distance telephone, high speed internet and cable television services through its own network. On 9 November 1999, an agreement was signed between EastLink and Nortel Networks Corporation to officially launch a new era in telephone service for Atlantic Canada. Under terms of the multi-year agreement, Nortel Networks will supply Eastlink with an end-to-end network platform designed to enable local telephony service equivalent to or better than traditional phone service through its existing Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) network
EastLink website at
EastLink FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
EastLink Telephone [RJSC ID#3029021] has its registered office: c/o Oxford Frozen Foods Limited, 4881 Main Street, Oxford, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia. No directors, officers, or partners are listed by the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies [RJSC].
- EastLink Limited [RJSC ID#3017805] has its registered office: c/o Oxford Frozen Foods Limited, 4881 Main Street, Oxford, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia. As of 11 March 2000, the directors of EastLink Limited were:
- Robert P. Radchuck, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- David Caldwell, Halifax, Nova Scotia; President
- Lee Bragg, Halifax, Nova Scotia; Vice-President
Source: Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies [RJSC]
[Note: In August 2000, the RJSC website was moved to
http://www.gov.ns.ca/snsmr/business/rjsc/ ]
EastLink Telephone Customer Information
July 6, 1999
The requirements for providing competitive local telephone service are set out in Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8 (which is available on the CRTC website www.crtc.gc.ca). EastLink Telephone has committed to adhering to the terms and conditions included in that decision. EastLink Telephone provides equal access to other telecommunications service providers. EastLink Telephone customers are free to choose their long-distance or enhanced service provider...
Maps of Eastlink Telephone Serving Area
Maps showing the serving area of EastLink Telephone are available for viewing at the Company's business office...
Directory Policy
Customers will receive, without charge, up to one copy per telephone, of the most recent telephone directory for their district, both white and yellow pages. Updated directories, as they are published, will also be provided. The contents of directories released by EastLink Telephone may not be published or reproduced in any form without the directory publisher's written consent...
Disclosure of Subscriber Listing Information
In accordance with CRTC requirements, EastLink Telephone makes names, addresses and telephone numbers available to publishers of paper and electronic directories. Your listing can be removed from such lists by requesting a non-published telephone number...
Non-Published Numbers
Non-published numbers do not appear in the telephone directory and are not available from Directory Assistance Operators. Non-published numbers are included in the Nova Scotia emergency 9-1-1 database...
CRTC website at
2000 March 13
Multimedia Students Preserve Century
of Cape Breton Post
Multimedia students are using the technology of the future to bring history to life. Upwards of ten students attending Marconi Campus, Nova Scotia Community College have participated in the creation of a CD-ROM encompassing a 100 page edition of the Cape Breton Post that highlighted top stories from the 20th century. Once completed, the CD-ROM will be donated to schools and libraries across the island. It will also be an impressive resume for the students who participated on the project. "What a resume to have," said Owen Fitzgerald, a multimedia product development course teacher at the campus who is helping the students with the creation. Fitzgerald is also known for his CD-ROM work on the history of Alexander Graham Bell and Fortress of Louisbourg. The students began planning the effort in January and have the project about half completed. The deadline is April 3rd, the day the multimedia course ends. Rosemary MacIntyre, program co-ordinator, said the students are adding additional stories to the selection and have added pictures. Cape Breton Post is partnering with Fitzgerald and the students to develop the initiative.
[Cape Breton Post, 13 March 2000]
2000 March 13
Inverness County Cell Phone Service
Inverness County residents will receive expanded cellular service this year. Inverness municipal council was recently informed by MTT Mobility that the company intends to expand cellular service in the Inverness-Cheticamp area this year. Three new cellular towers will be installed to provide coverage in that area. The towers will be erected in Cheticamp, in the village of Inverness, and outside Inverness at a site known as Kiltarity. The new sites will cover the western leg of the Cabot Trail. The sites are expected to be in service by the end of June. The company indicated that improvements to cellular service will also be made in eastern Cape Breton. MTT Mobility has committed about $650,000 this year to improving cellular service on Cape Breton Island.
[Cape Breton Post, 13 March 2000]
2000 March 15
CAP Society Website
The CAP Society of Cape Breton County, a non-profit organization formed in May, 1999, is a regional working group of Community Access Program (CAP) sites committed to the social,economic, and cultural enhancement of our communities through the use of Information Technology.
- The members represent these 15 CAP sites:
- Shipyard
- McConnell Library http://www.cbrl.ns.ca/sydney/CAP/default.htm
- Southend sites, in Sydney
- North Sydney
- Sydney Mines http://www.smcap.cjb.net/
Sydney Mines Library CAP Site http://www.cbrl.ns.ca/Cap.htm
- East Bay
- Bras d'Or http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Classroom/8062/
- Point Edward http://www.perc-cap.ns.ca/
- Eskasoni http://www.tec.ednet.ns.ca/
- Whitney Pier
- Dominion http://www.cbrl.ns.ca/dominion/CAP/default.htm
- New Waterford http://www.cbnet.ns.ca/~elemsch/intro.htm
- Donkin-Morien
- Glace Bay http://www.cbnet.ns.ca/cbnet/comucntr/cap/
- Main-A-Dieu
Source: The CAP Society of Cape Breton County website at
Map showing locations of the fifteen member CAP sites
2000 March 19
Municipalities Want the Front Plate Restored
- In favour of front licence plates on automobiles:
- Bridgetown Town Council [Bridgetown Monitor, 15 February 2000]
- Barrington Municipal Council [Sunday Herald 19 March 2000]
- Inverness Municipal Council [Sunday Herald 19 March 2000]
- Cumberland Municipal Council [Sunday Herald 19 March 2000]
- Shelburne Town Council [Sunday Herald 19 March 2000]
- Bridgewater Town Council [Sunday Herald 19 March 2000]
- Trenton Town Council [Sunday Herald 19 March 2000]
- Parrsboro Town Council [Sunday Herald 19 March 2000]
- Mahone Bay Town Council [Sunday Herald 19 March 2000]
- Windsor Town Council [Windsor Hants Journal 5 April 2000]
- Opposed to front plate:
- Colchester Municipal Council
- Queens Regional Council
At least nine municipalities, from Barrington in the southwest to Inverness County in Cape Breton, are calling on the province to bring back front licence plates for ordinary automobiles and other vehicles, citing school bus safety and policing concerns. In a cost-cutting move, the province dropped front plates from passenger vehicles in November 1995. The Nova Scotia Chiefs of Police Association did not object. Eliminating one plate has saved the province about $160,000 per year, says Robyn McIsaac, director of communications for the Department of Business and Consumer Services. "Is a child's life worth $160,000?" asks Barrington Municipal Councillor Angus Atkinson, who is also a school bus driver. He says the number of oncoming vehicles passing his bus when its red lights are flashing — meaning he is stopped to either let off or pick up children — has doubled to about 15 a year since 1995. Mr. Atkinson believes drivers know there's little chance of police charging them when his only means of identifying them is trying to read their rear licence plate "through my rear-view mirror."
Kelli Wolfe-Enslow, transportation analyst for the Southwest Regional School Board's western zone, says a board study in Lunenburg County over a two-week period last month showed 22 instances in which vehicles passed a bus that was stopped with its red lights flashing. Most of the violators approached the bus from the front. "I think inattention is probably the main cause," Ms. Wolfe-Enslow said. "But knowing they're not likely to have their licence plate number recorded is also an important factor." Drivers were identified in fewer than six cases. The standard fine for passing a school bus with its red lights flashing is $387.50. The board will do a wider study from April 3rd to 14th, Ms. Wolfe-Enslow said. Sgt. Mike Leighton, detachment commander of Barrington RCMP, has written to Barrington council saying the two-plate system enhances officer safety at traffic stops.
Ms. McIsaac said Waldale Manufacturing Ltd. of Amherst produced about 106,000 single plates for the province last year at a cost of $530,000 — $5 per plate — and 2,200 double plates, still required for heavy commercial vehicles.
Eight of the 13 licensing jurisdictions in Canada require only a rear plate on passenger vehicles, Ms. McIsaac said. The five still insisting on a front plate are New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Municipalities supporting Barrington's stance include Inverness and Cumberland counties and the towns of Shelburne, Bridgewater, Trenton, Parrsboro, Bridgetown and Mahone Bay. Queens and Colchester counties are opposed. Colchester Municipal Councillor Ray Merriam argues that "one plate gives people what they want. It'll be going back to the Dark Ages if we have to have two licence plates."
[Halifax Sunday Herald, 19 March 2000]
[Windsor Hants Journal, 5 April 2000]
Bridgetown Supports Return to Two Plates on Automobiles
The Town of Bridgetown is among a growing number of organizations which would like to see vehicle license plates displayed at the front as well as the rear of vehicles. At the February meeting of Town Council, a motion was adopted to write a letter to the Nova Scotia Minister of Transportation indicating support for a return to the two-plate system. Several years ago, a change was made requiring that a license plate be displayed only at the rear of the car. The motion was in response to a letter received from the Municipality of the District of Barrington, expressing its concern about the difficulties the one-plate system creates for law enforcement officials. In particular it is concerned about the problems school bus drivers often have in obtaining the license numbers of vehicles which pass buses when their stop lights are activated. Barrington Council has sent a letter to all municipal units in the province as well as to the Registry of Motor Vehicles. Sgt. Baxter Upshall of the RCMP Bridgetown Detachment, who was present at the council meeting to present his annual report, said that the one-plate system creates difficulties. "It was a regressive step," he siad. "It causes a 70 per cent impediment to our job. The chances of apprehending a vehicle are significantly reduced — it has caused a lot of problems."
[Bridgetown Monitor, 15 February 2000]
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