History of Nova Scotia
with special attention given to
Communications and Transportation
Chapter 82
2006 January onward
Index with links to the other chapters
2006 May 18
250th Anniversary
England Declares War on France
18 May 1756
The Seven Years War
On 18 May 1756, England formally declared war on
France. This war is known as the Seven Years War in Canada and
Europe, but in the United States it is called the French and Indian
War. In 1756, France controlled far more territory in North
America than England did — five years later this had changed forever,
with England having taken all of France's territory on mainland North
Seven Years War Timeline
The Seven Years War, 1756-1763, was a worldwide
war fought in Europe, North America, and India between France, Austria,
Russia, Saxony, Sweden, and Spain on the one side and Prussia, Great
Britain, and Hanover on the other.
2006 June 11 (Two days before the election)
Nova Scotia
Provincial General Election
Political Websites
On Saturday, 13 May 2006, Premier Rodney MacDonald
announced a Provincial General Election
to be held on Tuesday, 13 June 2006.
The previous general election was held on 5 August 2003.
Just before the election was called, the
party standings in the Legislature were:
25 Progressive Conservative
15 New Democratic Party
10 Liberal
1 Independent
1 vacant
Nominations for candidates closed at 2:00pm on Tuesday, 30 May 2006.
In all, 210 people officially declared themselves as candidates.
The PCs, New Democrats and Green Party are represented in all 52 ridings.
The Liberal Party has 51 candidates (none in Queens County).
Three candidates are running as Independents.
Parties are listed below in the order of their standings
in the Legislature just before the election was called.
Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia
52 candidates
- Annapolis: Blair Hannam
No website
E-mail: blair.hannam@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Antigonish: Angus MacIsaac
No website
No e-mail
- Argyle: Chris d'Entremont
Website: http://www.chrisforargyle.com/
E-mail: office@chrisforargyle.com
- Bedford: Len Goucher
Website: http://www.lengoucher.com/
E-mail: lengouchercampaign@ns.aliantzinc.ca
Blog: http://lengoucher.blogspot.com/
- Cape Breton Centre: Darren Bruckschwaiger
Website: http://www.darrenb.org/
E-mail: darrenb@darrenb.org
- Cape Breton North: Cecil Clarke
No website
E-mail: cecilclarke@ns.sympatico.ca
- Cape Breton Nova: Todd Marsman
Website: http://www.toddmarsman.com/
E-mail: marsman@ns.sympatico.ca
- Cape Breton South: Scott Boyd
Website: http://www.scott-boyd.ca/
E-mail: capebretonsouth@gmail.com
- Cape Breton West: Alfie MacLeod
No website
E-mail: capebretonwest@gmail.com
- Chester-St. Margarets: Judy Streatch
Website: http://www.voteforjudy.ca/
E-mail: judy@voteforjudy.ca
- Clare: Arnold LeBlanc
Website: http://www.clarepc.ca/
Website: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/marcpoirier/index2.htm
E-mail: arnoldleblanc@clarepc.ca
- Colchester - Musquodoboit Valley: Brooke Taylor
No website
E-mail: brooketaylorcampaign@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Colchester North: Karen Casey
No website
E-mail: karencasey@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Cole Harbour: Sheila McKeand
No website
E-mail: coleharbourpc@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Cole Harbour - Eastern Passage: Don McIver
No website
E-mail: donmciverpcoffice@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Cumberland North: Ernest Fage
No website
No e-mail
- Cumberland South: Murray Scott
No website
E-mail: murrayscott@eastlink.ca
- Dartmouth East: Jim Cormier
Website: http://www.cormier2006.com/
E-mail: jimcormier@ns.aliantzinc.ca
(not mentioned in the website Contact page).
This website easily takes a place on the short list for Worst Candidate's Website of the 2006 Nova Scotia Election.
- Dartmouth North: Troy Myers
Website: http://www.troymyers.ca/
E-mail: info@troymyers.ca
This website design is distinctly above average.
- Dartmouth South - Portland Valley: Tim Olive
No website
E-mail: dspv@ns.sympatico.ca
- Digby - Annapolis: Jimmy MacAlpine
No website
E-mail: digbyannapolispc@eastlink.ca
- Eastern Shore: Bill Dooks
No website
E-mail: electbilldooks@ns.sympatico.ca
- Glace Bay: Mark Bettens
No website
E-mail: m.bettens@ns.sympatico.ca
- Guysborough - Sheet Harbour: Ron Chisholm
No website
E-mail: re_electronchisholm@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Halifax Atlantic: Bruce Cooke
No website
No e-mail
- Halifax Chebucto: Sean Phillips
No website
E-mail: seanphillips@eastlink.ca
- Halifax Citadel: Bill Black
Website: http://www.billblack.ca/
E-mail: bill@billblack.ca
- Halifax Clayton Park: Mary Ann McGrath
No website
E-mail: maryann@votemaryann.ca
- Halifax Fairview: Bruce MacCharles
No website
E-mail: bmaccharles@ns.sympatico.ca
- Halifax Needham: Andrew Black
Website: http://www.andrewblack.org/
E-mail: info@andrewblack.org
- Hammonds Plains - Upper Sackville: Barry Barnet
No website
E-mail: bbcampaign@eastlink.ca
- Hants East: Wayne Fiander
Website: http://www.waynefiander.ca/
E-mail: wayne@waynefiander.ca
This website includes prominent mention of "Electronic Highways" and the "Internet". Regrettably, this mention is highlighted by its rarity — in this election campaign, only two candidates recognize, and no party platform acknowledges, the importance of the Internet to the economic and educational future of Nova Scotia.
- Hants West: Chuck Porter
Website: http://www.chuckporter.ca/
E-mail: chuck@chuckporter.ca
E-mail: chuck.porter@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Inverness: Rodney MacDonald
No website
No e-mail
(none mentioned in the Rodney MacDonald bio page).
- Kings North: Mark Parent
Website: http://www.markparent.ca/
E-mail: markparentcampaign@gmail.com
- Kings South: David Morse
Website: http://www.davidmorse.ca/
E-mail: morse@ns.sympatico.ca
- Kings West: John Prall
Website: http://www.johnprall.ca/
This website features one of the more repellent ways to provide e-mail access.
- Lunenburg: Michael Baker
No website
E-mail: electmichaelbaker@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Lunenburg West: Carolyn Bolivar-Getson
Website: http://www.lunenburgwest.pcparty.ns.ca/
Website: http://users.eastlink.ca/~bolivargetson/
E-mail: bolivargetson@eastlink.ca
E-mail: cbolivargetson@eastlink.ca
- Pictou Centre: Pat Dunn
Website: http://www.patdunn.ca/
E-mail: patdunn@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Pictou East: Sue Uhren
No website
E-mail: pcpictoueast@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Pictou West: Ronald Baillie
No website
E-mail: pictouwestpc@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Preston: Dwayne Provo
Website: http://www.dwayneprovo.ca/
E-mail: provopchq@eastlink.ca
- Queens: Kerry Morash
No website
E-mail: kerrymorash@ns.aliant.zinc.ca
- Richmond: John Greene
No website
E-mail: johngreenepc@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Sackville - Cobequid: Steve Craig
Website: http://www.stevecraig.ca/
This website features one of the more repellent ways to provide e-mail access.
- Shelburne: Eddie Nickerson
No website
No e-mail
- Timberlea - Prospect: Juanita Cirtwill
Website: http://www.rodneymacdonald.ca/content/view/71/160/
E-mail: juanita@juanitacirtwill.ca
- Truro - Bible Hill: Jamie Muir
Website: http://www.jamiemuir.ca/
E-mail: info@jamiemuir.ca
- Victoria - The Lakes: Keith Bain
No website
E-mail: baincampaign2006@gmail.com
- Waverley - Fall River - Beaver Bank: Gary Hines
Website: http://www.garyhines.ca/
E-mail: gary.hines@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Yarmouth: Richard Hurlburt
No website
E-mail: hurlburtpccampaign@ns.aliantzinc.ca
New Democratic Party of Nova Scotia
52 candidates
- Annapolis: Calum MacKenzie
No website
E-mail: calummackenzie@nsndp.ca
- Antigonish: Andrew MacDonald
No website
E-mail: andrewmacdonald@nsndp.ca
- Argyle: Charles Muise
No website
E-mail: charlesmuise@nsndp.ca
- Bedford: John Buckland
No website
E-mail: johnbuckland@nsndp.ca
- Cape Breton Centre: Frank Corbett
No website
E-mail: frankcorbett@ns.ndp.ca
- Cape Breton North: Russell MacDonald
Website: http://www.russellmacdonald.ca/
E-mail: info@russellmacdonald.ca
Blog: http://www.russellmacdonald.ca/blog.php
- Cape Breton Nova: Gordie Gosse
No website
E-mail: gordiegosse@nsndp.ca
- Cape Breton South: Jamie Crane
Website: http://www.jamiecrane.ca/
E-mail: info@jamiecrane.ca
Blog: http://www.jamiecrane.ca/blog.html
- Cape Breton West: Terry Crawley
No website
E-mail: terrycrawley@nsndp.ca
- Chester-St. Margarets: Jane Matheson
No website
E-mail: janematheson@nsndp.ca
- Clare: Paul Comeau
No website
E-mail: paulcomeau@nsndp.ca
- Colchester - Musquodoboit Valley: Gary Burrill
No website
E-mail: garyburrill@nsndp.ca
- Colchester North: Rob Assels
No website
E-mail: robassels@nsndp.ca
- Cole Harbour: Darrell Dexter
No website
E-mail: darrelldexter@nsndp.ca
- Cole Harbour - Eastern Passage: Kevin Deveaux
No website
E-mail: kevindeveaux@nsndp.ca
- Cumberland North: Kim Cail
No website
E-mail: kimcail@nsndp.ca
- Cumberland South: Andrew Kernohan
No website
E-mail: andrewkernohan@nsndp.ca
- Dartmouth East: Joan Massey
No website
E-mail: joanmassey@nsndp.ca
- Dartmouth North: Trevor Zinck
No website
E-mail: trevorzinck@nsndp.ca
- Dartmouth South - Portland Valley: Marilyn More
No website
E-mail: marilynmore@nsndp.ca
- Digby - Annapolis: Andrew Oliver
No website
E-mail: andrewoliver@nsndp.ca
- Eastern Shore: Sidney Prest
No website
E-mail: sidneyprest@nsndp.ca
- Glace Bay: Myrtle Turnbull-Campbell
No website
E-mail: myrtlecampbell@nsndp.ca
- Guysborough - Sheet Harbour: Jim Boudreau
Website: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/west_pana/Election.html
This website does not have a default page (bad idea).
E-mail: jimboudreau@nsndp.ca
- Halifax Atlantic: Michele Raymond
No website
E-mail: raymond@nsndp.ca
- Halifax Chebucto: Howard Epstein
No website
E-mail: howardepstein@nsndp.ca
- Halifax Citadel: Leonard Preyra
No website
E-mail: preyra@ns.ndp.ca
- Halifax Clayton Park: Linda Power
No website
E-mail: lindapower@nsndp.ca
- Halifax Fairview: Graham Steele
Website: http://www.grahamsteele.ca/
E-mail: graham@grahamsteele.ca
E-mail: grahamsteele@nsndp.ca
Blog: http://www.grahamsteele.blogspot.com/
- Halifax Needham: Maureen MacDonald
No website
E-mail: maureenmacdonald@nsndp.ca
- Hammonds Plains - Upper Sackville: Mat Whynott
Website: http://www.matwhynott.ca/
E-mail: electmat@ns.sympatico.ca
E-mail: matwhynott@nsndp.ca
- Hants East: John MacDonell
No website
E-mail: johnmacdonell@nsndp.ca
- Hants West: Sean Bennett
Website: http://www.seanbennett.9k.com/
E-mail: seanbennett@ns.ndp.ca
- Inverness: Tim Murphy
No website
E-mail: timmurphy@nsndp.ca
- Kings North: Jim Morton
Website: http://www.kingsnorthndp.ca/
E-mail: kingsnorthndp@ns.sympatico.ca
E-mail: jimmorton@nsndp.ca
- Kings South: David Mangle
No website
E-mail: davidmangle@nsndp.ca
- Kings West: Greg Hubbert
No website
E-mail: kingswestndp@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Lunenburg: Chris Heide
No website
E-mail: chrisheide@nsndp.ca
- Lunenburg West: Dr. William (Bill) Smith
Website: http://www.lunenburgwestndp.ca/
E-mail: billsmith@ns.ndp.ca
E-mail: billsmith@nsndp.ca
This website easily takes a place on the short list for Worst Candidate's Website of the 2006 Nova Scotia Election.
- Pictou Centre: Danny MacGillivray
Website: http://www.dannyndp.ca/
E-mail: info@dannyndp.ca
E-mail: dannymacgillivray@nsndp.ca
Blog: http://www.dannyndp.ca/blog.html
- Pictou East: Clarrie MacKinnon
No website
E-mail: clarriemackinnon@ns.ndp.ca
- Pictou West: Charlie Parker
Website: http://www.charliendp.ca/
E-mail: charlie@charliendp.ca
E-mail: charlieparker@nsndp.ca
- Preston: Douglas Sparks
No website
E-mail: dougsparks@nsndp.ca
- Queens: Vicki Conrad
No website
E-mail: vickiconrad@nsndp.ca
- Richmond: Mary Pat Cude
No website
E-mail: marypatcude@nsndp.ca
- Sackville - Cobequid: Dave Wilson
No website
E-mail: davewilson@nsndp.ca
- Shelburne: Sterling Beliveau
No website
E-mail: sterlingbelliveau@ns.ndp.ca
- Timberlea - Prospect: Bill Estabrooks
No website
E-mail: billestabrooks@nsndp.ca
- Truro - Bible Hill: Jim Harpell
Website: http://www.jimharpell.ca/
E-mail: jim@jimharpell.ca
E-mail: jimharpell@nsndp.ca
- Victoria - The Lakes: Joan Oliari
No website
E-mail: joanoliari@nsndp.ca
- Waverley - Fall River - Beaver Bank: Percy Paris
No website
E-mail: percyparis@nsndp.ca
- Yarmouth: John Deveau
No website
E-mail: johndeveau@nsndp.ca
Liberal Party of Nova Scotia
51 candidates
(none in Queens)
- Annapolis: Stephen McNeil
No website
E-mail: stephenmcneil@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Antigonish: Danny MacIssac
No website
E-mail: antigonishliberal@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Argyle: Christian Surette
Website: http://web.mac.com/pemuise/iWeb/Christian%20Surette%20-%20Liberal/Welcome%20-%20Bienvenue.html
This website easily takes a place on the short list for Worst Candidate's Website of the 2006 Nova Scotia Election.
E-mail: christiansurette@eastlink.ca
E-mail: christian@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Bedford: Francis MacKenzie
No website
E-mail: bedford.liberal@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Cape Breton Centre: Laura Lee MacDonald
No website
No e-mail
- Cape Breton North: Fred Tilley
Website: http://www.fredtilley.ca/
E-mail: fred@fredtilley.ca
- Cape Breton Nova: Mel Crowe
No website
E-mail: melcrowe@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Cape Breton South: Manning MacDonald
No website
No e-mail
- Cape Breton West: Dave LeBlanc
No website
E-mail: daveleblanc@ns.alintzinc.ca
- Chester-St. Margarets: Richard "Rick" Fraughton
Website: http://www.rickfraughton.ca/
This website features one of the more repellent ways to provide e-mail access.
- Clare: Wayne Gaudet
No website
No e-mail
- Colchester - Musquodoboit Valley: Carolyn Matthews
No website
No e-mail
- Colchester North: Bob Taylor
Website: http://www.bobtaylor.ca/
This website easily takes a place on the short list for Worst Candidate's Website of the 2006 Nova Scotia Election.
E-mail: taylorbob@eastlink.ca
E-mail: bobtaylorliberal@eastlink.ca
E-mail: gaudetcampaign2006@rushcomm.ca (Tatamagouche)
- Cole Harbour: Stephen Beehan
Website: http://www.stephenbeehan.com/
This website features one of the more repellent ways to provide e-mail access.
- Cole Harbour - Eastern Passage: Brian Churchill
No website
No e-mail
- Cumberland North: Bruce Alan Fage
No website
E-mail: northliberalns@eastlink.ca
- Cumberland South: Mary Dee MacPherson
Website: http://www.liberal.ns.ca/default.asp?mn=1.58.1390
E-mail: cumberlandsouth@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Dartmouth East: Tracey Devereaux
Website: http://www.traceydevereaux.ca/
E-mail: tracey@traceydevereaux.ca
- Dartmouth North: Ian Murray
Website: http://www.ianmurray.ca/
E-mail: ianmurray@ianmurray.ca
- Dartmouth South - Portland Valley: Brian Hiltz
No website
E-mail: brianhiltz@eastlink.ca
- Digby - Annapolis: Harold A. "Junior" Theriault
No website
No e-mail
- Eastern Shore: Judith B. Cabrita
Website: http://www.judithcares.com/
E-mail: judithcampaign@eastlink.ca
- Glace Bay: David Wilson
No website
No e-mail
- Guysborough - Sheet Harbour: David S. Horton
No website
E-mail: davidhorton@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Halifax Atlantic: Jim Hoskins
Website: http://www.liberal.ns.ca/default.asp?mn=1.58.8046.8047
E-mail: jamesfhoskins@yahoo.com
E-mail: jimhoskinscampaign@hotmail.com
- Halifax Chebucto: Peter Verner
No website
No e-mail
- Halifax Citadel: Devin Maxwell
Website: http://www.devinmaxwell.ca/
E-mail: devin@devinmaxwell.ca
- Halifax Clayton Park: Diana Whalen
No website
No e-mail
- Halifax Fairview: Cecil MacDougall
No website
E-mail: cedar.shake@ns.sympatico.ca
- Halifax Needham: Errol Gaum
No website
E-mail: errolgaum@gmail.com
- Hammonds Plains - Upper Sackville: Pam Streeter
Website: http://www.pamstreeter.ca/
E-mail: pstreeter@eastlink.ca
- Hants East: Malcolm MacKay
East Hants Liberal Riding Association website: http://www.liberal.ns.ca/default.asp?mn=1.58.7998.7999
E-mail: jomal@ns.sympatico.ca
- Hants West: Paula Lunn
Website: http://www.votepaula.com/
E-mail: paulalunn@ns.sympatico.ca
- Inverness: Mary MacLennan
No website
E-mail: InvernessLiberals@hotmail.com
- Kings North: Madonna Spinazola
Website: http://www.madonnaspinazola.ca/
E-mail: madonna@madonnaspinazola.ca
- Kings South: Ray Savage
Website: http://www.raysavage.ca/
This website features the most user-unfriendly way to provide contact information that I've ever seen.
- Kings West: Leo Glavine
Website: http://www.leoglavine.com/
Website: http://www.liberal.ns.ca/default.asp?mn=1.58.8298
These are two different websites.
E-mail: leo@leoglavine.com
E-mail: re-elect@leoglavine.com
- Lunenburg: Richard "Rick" Welsford
Website: http://www.voteforrick.ca/
This website design is distinctly above average. Except for its use of frames, I'd nominate it for inclusion in the short list for Best Candidate's Website of the 2006 Nova Scotia Election.
E-mail: voterick@eastlink.ca
Blog: http://rick.triggersandsparks.com/blog.php
- Lunenburg West: Martin Bell
Website: http://www.martinbell.ca/
This website features one of the more repellent ways to provide e-mail access.
- Pictou Centre: Troy MacCulloch
Website: http://www.troyliberal.ca/
E-mail: info@troyliberal.ca
E-mail: troymaccullochlib@ns.aliantzinc.ca
- Pictou East: Dan Walsh
No website
E-mail: pictoueast@eastlink.ca
- Pictou West: Sandy Mackay
No website
E-mail: pictouwest@eastlink.ca
- Preston: Keith Colwell
No website
E-mail: keithcolwell@eastlink.ca
- Queens: (no candidate)
- Richmond: Michel P. Samson
No website
No e-mail
- Sackville - Cobequid: David Major
No website
E-mail: time4major@hotmail.com
- Shelburne: Kirk Cox
Website: http://www.votekirk.ca/
E-mail: kirk@votekirk.ca
- Timberlea - Prospect: Lisa Mullin
No website
E-mail: lisamullin@eastlink.ca
- Truro - Bible Hill: Ronald R. Chisholm
Website: http://www.ronchisholm.ca/
E-mail: ron@ronchisholm.ca
- Victoria - The Lakes: Gerald Sampson
No website
No e-mail
- Waverley - Fall River - Beaver Bank: Thomas Deal
Website: http://www.thomasdeal.ca/
E-mail: thomasdeal@eastlink.ca
- Yarmouth: Dolores Atwood
No website
No e-mail
Green Party of Nova Scotia
52 candidates
- Annapolis: Ken McGowan
No website
E-mail: kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca
- Antigonish: Judy Dowden
No website
E-mail: jdowden@greenparty.ns.ca
- Argyle: Patty Doucet-Saunders
No website
E-mail: pdsaunders@greenparty.ns.ca
- Bedford: Mary McLaughlan
No website
E-mail: mmclaughlan@greenparty.ns.ca
- Cape Breton Centre: Frances Oommen
No website
E-mail: foommen@greenparty.ns.ca
- Cape Breton North: Mark Doucet
No website
E-mail: mdoucet@greenparty.ns.ca
- Cape Breton Nova: Chris Milburn
No website
E-mail: cmilburn@greenparty.ns.ca
- Cape Breton South: Stephen Doucet
No website
E-mail: sdoucet@greenparty.ns.ca
- Cape Breton West: Michael Milburn
No website
E-mail: mmilburn@greenparty.ns.ca
- Chester-St. Margarets: Joanne MacKinnon
No website
E-mail: jmackinnon@greenparty.ns.ca
- Clare: Diane Doucet-Bean
No website
E-mail: ddoucetbean@greenparty.ns.ca
- Colchester - Musquodoboit Valley: Leona MacLeod
No website
E-mail: lmacleod@greenparty.ns.ca
- Colchester North: Judy Davis
No website
E-mail: jdavis@greenparty.ns.ca
- Cole Harbour: Michael McFadden
No website
E-mail: mmcfadden@greenparty.ns.ca
- Cole Harbour - Eastern Passage: Beverley Woodfield
No website
E-mail: bwoodfield@greenparty.ns.ca
- Cumberland North: Darryl Whetter
No website
E-mail: dwhetter@greenparty.ns.ca
- Cumberland South: James Dessart
No website
E-mail: jdessart@greenparty.ns.ca
- Dartmouth East: Elizabeth Perry
No website
E-mail: eperry@greenparty.ns.ca
- Dartmouth North: Alex Donaldson
No website
E-mail: adonaldson@greenparty.ns.ca
- Dartmouth South - Portland Valley: Daniel Melvin
No website
E-mail: dmelvin@greenparty.ns.ca
- Digby - Annapolis: Namron Bean
No website
E-mail: nbean@greenparty.ns.ca
- Eastern Shore: Elizabeth van Dreunen
Website: http://www.myomsweetom.com/greenparty.html
E-mail: evandreunen@greenparty.ns.ca
- Glace Bay: Todd Pettigrew
No website
E-mail: tpettigrew@greenparty.ns.ca
- Guysborough - Sheet Harbour: Marike Finlay
No website
E-mail: mfinlay@greenparty.ns.ca
- Halifax Atlantic: Rebecca Mosher
No website
E-mail: rmosher@greenparty.ns.ca
- Halifax Chebucto: Christopher Harborne
No website
E-mail: charborne@greenparty.ns.ca
- Halifax Citadel: Nick Wright
Website: http://www.nickwright.ca/
This website URL is just a redirect to http://greenparty.ns.ca/.
It is not an individual candidate's website.
E-mail: nwright@greenparty.ns.ca
- Halifax Clayton Park: Shelia Richardson
No website
E-mail: srichardson@greenparty.ns.ca
- Halifax Fairview: Kris MacLellan
Website: http://www.livejournal.com/~kayriss
Website: http://kayriss.livejournal.com/
Both of these URLs take you to the same website (actually it's a blog).
E-mail: kmaclellan@greenparty.ns.ca
- Halifax Needham: Amanda Myers
Website: http://www.amandamyers.ca/
Website: http://slammer.cs.dal.ca/~amyers/website/index.php
Both of these URLs take you to the same website.
E-mail: amyers@greenparty.ns.ca
Blog: http://slammer.cs.dal.ca/~amyers/phpblog/index.php
- Hammonds Plains - Upper Sackville: Scott Cleghorn
No website
E-mail: scleghorn@greenparty.ns.ca
- Hants East: Michael Hartlen
No website
E-mail: mhartlen@greenparty.ns.ca
- Hants West: Sam Schurman
No website
E-mail: sschurman@greenparty.ns.ca
- Inverness: John Gibson
No website
E-mail: jgibson@greenparty.ns.ca
- Kings North: Christopher Alders
No website
E-mail: calders@greenparty.ns.ca
- Kings South: Steven Sinclair McGowan
No website
E-mail: ssmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca
- Kings West: Nistal Prem de Boer
No website
E-mail: npdeboer@greenparty.ns.ca
- Lunenburg: Stuart Simpson
No website
E-mail: ssimpson@greenparty.ns.ca
- Lunenburg West: Brendan MacNeill
No website
E-mail: bmacneill@greenparty.ns.ca
- Pictou Centre: Samuel M. Clark
No website
E-mail: sclark@greenparty.ns.ca
This is an interesting case. In responding the question "How computer savvy are you?", asked by the New Glasgow Evening News and published on 10 June 2006 (three days before the election), Mr. Clark stated "I have 3 years college education, 1.5 years work experiences in IT (information technology), and I am CompTIA A+ and Network+ certified." Yet he has no website for his election campaign, and no personal e-mail (just the party general delivery).
- Pictou East: John A. Clark
No website
E-mail: jaclark@greenparty.ns.ca
- Pictou West: Douglas Corbet
No website
E-mail: dcorbet@greenparty.ns.ca
- Preston: David Farrell
No website
E-mail: dfarrell@greenparty.ns.ca
- Queens: Margaret Witney
No website
E-mail: mwitney@greenparty.ns.ca
- Richmond: Noreen Hartlen
No website
E-mail: nhartlen@greenparty.ns.ca
- Sackville - Cobequid: Elizabeth Nicolson
No website
E-mail: enicolson@greenparty.ns.ca
- Shelburne: Derek Jones
No website
E-mail: djones@greenparty.ns.ca
- Timberlea - Prospect: Thomas Trappenberg
No website
E-mail: ttrappenberg@greenparty.ns.ca
- Truro - Bible Hill: Barton Cutten
No website
E-mail: bcutten@greenparty.ns.ca
- Victoria - The Lakes: Michelle Smith
No website
E-mail: msmith@greenparty.ns.ca
- Waverley - Fall River - Beaver Bank: William Lang
No website
E-mail: wlang@greenparty.ns.ca
- Yarmouth: Matt Granger
No website
E-mail: mgranger@greenparty.ns.ca
Independent Candidates
(Not affiliated with any party)
3 candidates
- Cumberland South: David Raymond Amos
Google reports several online items about David Raymond Amos. Most of them have weird URLs that don't work well for me. You can try Google if you like.
- Pictou Centre: Dennis Tate
Why I ran for public office:
E-mail: tate4242@yahoo.ca http://profiles.yahoo.com/tate4242
- Victoria-The Lakes: Stemer MacLeod
No online presence known
All of the above URLs and e-mail addresses
were reproduced here by Copy and Paste.
There are no typing errors in them,
because no typing was involved.
400th Anniversary
Sieur de Poutrincourt
Water-powered Grist Mill
The first grist mill in North America
Photographs: Poutrincourt's Mill 1607 historic monument Annapolis County
2007 January 30
Microsoft Windows Vista Releases Worldwide
Windows Vista is the latest release of Microsoft Windows, a line of graphical operating systems used on personal computers, including home and business desktops. More than 90% of all desktop computers in the world run on some version of Microsoft's Windows operating system. On 8 November 2006, Windows Vista development was completed and released to manufacturing. Over the next two months it was released to MSDN subscribers, and computer hardware and software manufacturers. On 30 January 2007, it was released worldwide to the general public, and became available for download from Microsoft's website, more than five years after the release of its predecessor, Windows XP. Windows Vista features a slick new graphics set, more security functions and a new version of Microsoft's browser, Internet Explorer. Vista requires at least 512 megabytes of memory to run in bare-bones mode, but for the whole experience, the company recommends at least one gigabyte of memory, and two gigabytes would be even better. The operating system also needs at least a 40 gigabyte hard drive with 15 gigabytes free space and a DVD drive.
2007 February 11
260th Anniversary
Attack at Grand Pre
11 February 1747 3am
History of Nova Scotia: Battle at Grand Pre, 1747 by Peter Landry
...This was December in the Bay of Fundy and it could not have been
expected that any great time would be made by sailing. The vessels
would have had to buck head winds; and, so too, they had to buck the
reversing tides of the Fundy, the fastest and the highest in the world.
The land loving men on the sailing vessels, at one point, became
nervous and they were put ashore at the
"French Cross"
(Morden), on the other side of the North Mountain; they would simply
meet the sailors and their vessels at Grand Pre, whenever they got
there. Thus, on Christmas eve of 1746, we would have seen a couple of
hundred New Englanders being put ashore; they were to make their
way from there, best they can. This second group, while they might have
originally thought that they were to have the easier time of it, had a
tough eight day march, "without paths or guides," through the winter
snow, over the Aylesford mountain and along unmarked sidehills,
northeast, down the valley, until, finally, they met the south bank of
the River Gaspereau, and there to find their comrades; who, most
likely, were by then, well settled in at their destination,
Grand Pre. It was now January; the ground would most likely have
been frozen and covered with the snows of winter...
Photographs: Grand Pre Attack 1747 historic monument Kings County
2007 December 8
250th Anniversary
Battle of Bloody Creek
8 December 1757
Footnotes to Chapter 10: Port Royal and The English Takeover: 1690-1744 by Peter Landry
The ambush took place about 12 miles northeast of the fort on the north side
of the Annapolis River. Now known as Bloody Creek, a memorial marks the spot
today on the south side of the river just where highway 201 intersects
Bloody Creek, a mile west of the present day community of Carleton Corner...
Photographs: Battle of Bloody Creek historic monument Annapolis County
2008 October 2
250th Anniversary
First Representative Government in Canada
2 October 1758
Most of Canada's basic Constitutional Rights
were first won in the Nova Scotia legislature
"...being the First General Assembly convened in the said province."
First page of the Nova Scotia Statutes of 1758
Source: The Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia 1758-1983: A Biographical Directory
edited and revised by Shirley Burnham Elliott, ISBN 088871050X
published 1984 by the Province of Nova Scotia
Representative government: A term used for government with an elected assembly. These assemblies, in the British tradition, are the only body with the right to legislate and tax citizens. In Canada, representative government was first won in Nova Scotia in 1758.
Responsible government: A term used for government responsible to the electorate (for example, through elections). In Canada, the term was coined in the 1830s in Upper Canada to refer to a government that was responsible to the elected members of the House of Assembly. Prior to 1848, governors could select the Executive Council (the equivalent of today's Cabinet) without the support of the Assembly. On the instructions of the colonial office in Britain, the first responsible government in British North America was formed in Nova Scotia in 1848.
(above) page 18 of Statutes, Treaties and Documents of the Canadian Constitution 1758-1929
Source: http://www.canadiana.org/ECO/PageView/9_03428/0004?id=33f3359cf7b028d2&size=2
Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions: CIHM 9_03428
The First Nova Scotia General Assembly consisted of 22 members:
sixteen members elected for the province at large, four members for the
Township of Halifax, and two members for the Township of Lunenburg.
"...too many of the Members chosen are such as
have not been the most remarkable for promoting unity
or obedience to His Majesty's Government here..."
— Letter from Governor Lawrence to Lords of Trade, 26 September 1758
The rules, governing who was eligible to vote
in the election of Members, are found on
page 14 of Statutes, Treaties and Documents of the Canadian Constitution 1758-1929.
(below) title page of of Statutes, Treaties and Documents of the Canadian Constitution 1758-1929
Source: http://www.canadiana.org/ECO/PageView/9_03428/0047?id=33f3359cf7b028d2&size=3
Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions: CIHM 9_03428
250th Anniversary
Planters' Arrival
In 1759, New England farmers and fishermen sent
agents to Halifax to discuss with Governor Lawrence the settlement of
the underdeveloped areas of Nova Scotia. Substantial immigration began
in 1760 and by late 1763 several thousand settlers were established
throughout Nova Scotia.
They were particularly successful in the area around Minas Basin, where they took up the fallow lands of the displaced Acadians.
By 1780, Edmund Burke could describe the province of Nova
Scotia as "formed by the overflowings of the exuberant population of
New England". The influx was to have a significant effect on the
character and development of the province.
Photographs: Planters Monument, 1760 Horton Landing, Kings County
Photographs: Planters Cairn, 1760 Town Plot, Starr's Point, Kings County
Early June 1760
Historical narrative (title and author not known)
...The Haliburton family records tell of an even larger number of settlers,
who sailed together in a fleet of twenty-two vessels conveyed by a brig-of-war
with sixteen guns under the command of Captain Pigot that reached the
Cornwallis Town Plot on June 4, 1760. Horton Landing in King's County on
the opposite side of the river from Cornwallis had been the chief place of
anchorage for vessels going to Grand Pre through the whole French period in
Acadia, but there is no record of a ship landing at Horton until Sunday,
June 7, 1760, the day Betty Wickwire, the daughter of Captain Peter Wickshire
of New London, was born in the harbor of Horton Soon there would be ports
at Hortonville, Wolfville, and Avonport...
Index with links to the other chapters
Go To: Photographs of War Memorials, Historic Monuments and Plaques in Nova Scotia
Go To: Nova Scotia Quotations
Go To: History of Electric Power Companies in Nova Scotia
Go To: History of Telegraph and Telephone Companies in Nova Scotia
Go To: History of Railway Companies in Nova Scotia
Go To: History of Automobiles in Nova Scotia
Go To: Index to other online Nova Scotia History
Go To: Home Page

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