Though the common lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
comes from the Balkans, much of its early development as a garden plant was the work of one
dedicated French family.
Between 1870 and 1953, Victor Lemoine, his wife Marie, son Émile and
grandson Henri introduced over 200 new lilac cultivars.
Because of the Lemoines’ productivity, the term French lilac has come to mean all
of the common lilac, regardless of their origin.
Victor Lemoine introduced his first two cultivars
in 1876, when he also created the double French hybrids
and hybridized the first Hyacinthiflora lilacs. Émile introduced many more
some of which are still among the best available. Henri continued the tradition,
managing the nursery until it closed in 1955.

Victor Lemoine (1823-1911)