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Laying the Foundation

Six Principles of Effective Media Relations

Be Accessible

  • Provide a contact number and e-mail address
  • Make sure journalists can reach you when you put out a press release or put on a news conference
  • Be available AFTER the event

Be Prompt

  • Always return journalists' calls quickly… even if it is to say that you'll call back later
  • Show up for interviews on time and in plenty of time... especially for radio and TV interviews

Be Honest

  • Always tell the truth
  • Never fudge the numbers
  • Never be afraid to say "I don't know... I, or someone who does know, will get back to you."

Be Knowledgeable

  • Stay current on what's happening in your organization and for your cause

Be Helpful

  • Be a good source... know the addresses of websites that will help the journalists.
  • Supply facts to back up your message
  • Suggest other sources and experts... get their names right, and if possible, have their contact information.

Be Reliable

  • Follow through on your commitments.
  • Be available, prompt and honest.

Canada's Digital Collections
This digital collection was produced with support from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.
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