Family Friends title
Image of Emily Carr with young girl

y big sister used to visit a friend who had three little girls the same age as we three. We played with them while the ladies visited in the drawing-room.

Those children had all the things we did not, and we had what they did not. They lived on the waters of the Arm and had a boat. They had a pony and a big kennel of hunting dogs. Their Mama was stern and their Papa easy; our Father was stern, our Mama easy. Our garden was prim and theirs rambling.

The Book of Small by Emily Carr.
Image#: top: B.C Archives C-00606; bottom left: B.C. Archives C-05235; right: B.C. Archives G-01984 Image of Emily Carr with Flora Hamilton Burns Image of Emily Carr and friend

rs.McConnell was a splendid lady; I liked her very much indeed. She had such a large voice you could hear it on Toronto Street, Princess Avenue and Michigan Street all at once. She was so busy with all her children and cows and pigs and geese and hens that she had no time to be running after things, so she stood in the middle of her place and shouted and everything came running-Joseph, Tommy, Lizzie, Martha-Anne, Spot, Brownie and Daisie, and when she yelled "Chuck, Chuck, Chuckie" the whole farm was wild with wings. Something was always running to Mrs. McConnell. She sort of spread herself over the top of everything about the place and took care of it.

The Book of Small by Emily Carr.
Image below: Private collection

Image of Emily Carr and friend

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Last updated: 14 August 1997
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Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia