Family Friends title
Image of Carr's Tennis Club
Victoria City Archives

ictoria matrons did not fritter away their time in the paying of short calls. They had large families. The Chinese help could not be in charge of the nursery while the mothers went visiting. So when they came to call, they brought their family along and stayed. Besides, unless people had a horse, there was no way of getting about other than on foot. So ladies took their families of young children along, packing the baby into the pram, wedging him in firmly with feeding bottles, infant necessities, a bag of needlework and the mother's little lace cap in a paper bag. After an early lunch they started immediately, prepared to make a day of it. The visit had been planned between the two ladies a long time ahead, weather permitting.

The Book of Small by Emily Carr

Image of a Carr Tea Party s Victoria grew bigger, social groups grew smaller, selecting only those people who were congenial to each other. They became too a great deal more particular about the ability of performers and the quality of entertainment. Victoria stood like a gawky girl, waiting, waiting to be a grown-up city.

The Book of Small by Emily Carr

Victoria City Archives

Image of Emily Carr and Friends

hen I got back from Kitwangak the Mounted Police came to see me.

"You have been in to Kitwancool?"


"How did the Indians treat you?"


"Learned their lesson, eh? said the man."We have had no end of trouble with those people -- chased missionaries out and drove surveyors off with axes -- simply won't have whites in their village. I would never have advised anyone going in - particularly a woman. No, I would certainly have said,'Keep out'."

"Then I am glad I did not ask for your advice," I said. "Perhaps it was because I am a woman that they were so good to me."

"One of the men who went in on the wagon with you was straight from jail, a fierce, troublesome customer."

Now I knew who the hero was.

Klee Wyck by Emily Carr
Image#: B.C. Archives F-07756

Image of Emily Carr and friends "S old my apartment house! Moved into a cottage in a dowdy district, old fashioned high windows--think I can paint here," I wrote to Lawen Harris. He replied, "Sounds good to me. Occasionally uprooting is good for work, stirs up a new out look, or refreshes the old one."

When later I reported, "Bought a hideous but darling old caravan trailer, am now independent of cabins for sketching trips," "Swell!" was Lawren Harris's hearty comment. "Swell!"

Growing Pains by Emily Carr
Image#: B.C. Archives B-09610

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