Emily Carr at Home and at Work

Emily Carr

lesson plans

Objective is to encourage interpretation of art and artifacts.

Lesson #1 The Studio of Emily Carr

  • Time: 25-30 minutes each activity.

  • Logistics: Classroom discussion and presentation of Emily Carr’s art.

  • Supplies: Recommended Learning Resource (p.39-42), The Picture Gallery (p.43-57), paper, pens, pencils, paint, crayons, brushes, posters of Emily Carr’s artwork.

  • Guide Activity: Animal Word Find (p.62).


Number 1

Introduce Emily Carr for the first time to students with the Introduction to Emily Carr from the K-2 section. Use The Picture Gallery to introduce images of Emily Carr and her artwork.

  • Ask students what they know about Emily Carr.

  • Ask the students to brainstorm ideas such as a famous artist who was born in Victoria, British Columbia and is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, was friends with the Indigenous population, had a parrot, had a monkey named Woo, wrote many books, and is a famous Canadian historical figure.

Number 2 This activity includes use of the Animal Word Find. Emily had many different pets. This activity allows the students to find the words associated with Emily’s pets.

  • Ask the students to answer the Animal Word Find to become familiar with the animals that Emily had.

Number 3 Show the class three of Emily’s paintings. Use The Picture Gallery to find images of Emily Carr’s artwork. Let the students know that Emily painted for many years, and during the course of these years her artwork changed.

  • Ask the students if they paint or draw differently than they did two years ago. How have their styles and images changed? Is this stylistic difference because of new experiences?

  • Ask the students if they like to paint the same images now as they liked to paint two years ago. Do they notice what other students paint or draw? Have they been influenced by other students artwork?

Continued on Next Page.

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Emily Carr: At Home and At Work - a compendium of the life & work of Emily Carr, Canadian artist and author.Questions or comments: Jennifer Iredale, Curator - Jennifer.Iredale@gems4.gov.bc.ca

Produced under contract to Industry Canada
Last updated: 31 July 1998
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia