Emily Carr at Home and at Work

Emily Carr
lesson plans

Objective is too prompt students and teachers to compare information from an "actual" field trip and a "virtual" tour.

Lesson #4 Art and the Internet/CD ROM

  • Time: 1 hour each activity.

  • Logistics: Class discussion and use of computer with Internet or CD ROM drive.

  • Supplies: Guide to Find (p.33-34), CD ROM, and a computer with Internet access or CD ROM drive.

  • Guide Activity: Gallery Walk (p.65).


Number 1

Begin with a review of Emily Carr and her artwork. In an "Emily Carr" theme unit, discuss her paintings. Invite the students to find images of Carr’s paintings on-line. Have students search the Internet and/or CD ROM to find the Emily Carr At Home and At Work web site. Brief students as a class with the steps on how to access the Emily Carr At Home and At Work website using the Guide to Find.

Use the Gallery Walk to compare and contrast the information from three different research methods. Photocopy the Gallery Walk and hand it out to students. Have the students visit the Emily Carr House, or gallery/museum for an actual tour.

  • Ask the students to find an artifact from an onsite or "actual" location and record the information available (e.g., artist, date, name, medium, location).
  • Ask the students to find an artifact from the on-line or "virtual" location by accessing the Emily Carr At Home and At Work web site on the Internet or CD ROM, and record the information available (e.g., artist, date, name, medium, location).
  • Ask the students to record, compare and contrast both research experiences in terms of aesthetic, and educational value.

Number 2

After completing activity #1, have students compile two brief research reports about the two selected artifacts.
Ask students the following questions:

  • How do you perceive the visual aids provided by an "actual" museum/gallery, compared to a "virtual" museum/gallery site?
  • How are these two methods different (e.g., 3D effect verses 2D, feeling of actual tour verses ease of accessing Internet from one station)?
  • Did you learn about the each artifact equally from the two different finding methods?
  • Does each method represent an educational experience?
  • Which method was easier; the Internet or the CD ROM?

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Gallery Tour Family Writing Current Issues Team

Emily Carr: At Home and At Work - a compendium of the life & work of Emily Carr, Canadian artist and author.Questions or comments: Jennifer Iredale, Curator - Jennifer.Iredale@gems4.gov.bc.ca

Produced under contract to Industry Canada
Last updated: 31 July 1998
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia