[House plan] [foyer title bar]
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The Foyer was a focal point in Victorian homes. It was designed to be imposing. The marbleized wallpaper helps achieve that effect. The (painted) oilcloth on the floor was typical of the time. The door on the left leads to the Parlour and the door on the right leads to the Dining room. The stairs that lead to the second floor are covered in an inlayed carpet. At the head of the stairs to the right there is a sample of the original marbleized wallpaper.

[Image of Foyer]

No work was done in the Carr house on Sunday. Everything had been polished frightfully on Saturday and all's Sunday's food cooked too. On Sunday morning Bong milked the cow and went away from breakfast until evening milking time. Beds were made, the dinner table set, and then we got into our very starchiest and most uncomfortable clothes for church."

--The Book Of Small by Emily Carr.
[Image of Ceiling light]


See restoration information about the light.

Emily Carr at Home and at Work
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Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Last updated: 14 July 1997
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Properties, Province of British Columbia