Pause: a sketchbook

Pause is a book containing a variety of pencil sketches and journal entries. This book was released by Emily's executors after her death in 1945.

Below are a few pictures from this sketchbook. The caption on each sketch is written out beside it.

Promenading in the corridor upon a windy day
Is enough to turn hair red or gold
To purest white or grey.
Blow, blow, ye merry winds of March,
Slam every hinged door
And when we take a little walk
Blow, blow ye all the more.
--Pause, p. 10
Drawing from Pause

Drawing from Pause Just as you're feeling better
And joy your bosom fills,
Down falls your heart to zero
For in comes nurse with pills.
--Pause. p. 13

Little nurse Ida spied a big spider
As she was dusting the room.
The web with him in it
Remained but one minute
Then went squis-it-e, squish, 'neath her broom.
--Pause, p. 27
Drawing from Pause

Emily Carr at Home and at Work
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Last updated: 24 July 1997
Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia