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With These Two Hands:  The Commerce of Sherbrooke
Such domestic chores as making soap, butter, and candles were done out of necessity. Most of the things made in the home contained ingredients that many families would have at home. Soap and butter are good examples of this.

Hand Cream Making

Hand Cream Making
The Sherbrooke Village Drug Store makes something that no ordinary Drug Store would make - Rose Water Hand Cream. It is very interesting to watch the process of making the hand cream because the combination of mineral oil, beeswax, rose water, and borax causes a chemical reaction that gives the hand cream its white colour.

Candle Making

Candle Making
Back in the days before electricity, many families had to make their own candles from a mixture of beeswax and beef tallow. The candles would not have been scented or coloured because the candles were not made for decoration.

Soap Making

Soap Making
Making soap was once an essential duty performed by the woman of the home. Soap was made from some unlikely ingredients, beef tallow and lye. The women of Sherbrooke Village continue to make lye soap and it is sold in the gift shop. It is very good for removing such bad stains as grass, blood, and grease.

Butter Making

Butter Making
Do you remember those special moments of butter churning? Well, Sherbrooke Village has managed to recapture those special moments by churning their own butter. There is nothing like the taste of fresh butter on bread that has just come out of the oven.

Wood Stove Cookery

Wood Stove Cookery
Nothing warms a home like the smell of cookies baking in the oven. At Sherbrooke Village there are no blenders or electric ovens. Everything is made by hand and cooked in a wood stove that is over 130 years old and still used every day.

Hand Cream Making
Candle Making
Soap Making
Butter Making
Wood Stove Cookery
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