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With These Two Hands: The Commerce of Sherbrooke

      The historic story of commerce in Sherbrooke is a proto-typical story of small town Nova Scotian country life around the end of the 19th century. It is one which will illustrate that rural Nova Scotia has been, and can again be, a vibrant part of the Canadian economy. In the past Sherbrooke's link to the world was through the sea, and products produced locally were either consumed locally, or exported to faraway destinations over great periods of time.

      The material in this collection includes images, video and textual archival information regarding the commerce of Sherbrooke Village - the whole range of heritage skills which were historically carried on in Sherbrooke, and which continue here to this day. Among the heritage skills featured are soap, candle, hand cream making, butter churning, wood stove cookery, sewing, rug hooking, quilting, weaving, flax preparation, smithing, woodturning, printing, pottery and ambrotype photography.

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