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In the area there are two types of grouse: the
Spruce Grouse Hen, photo courtesy of Little White River Studio
The Spruce Grouse, photo taken by
Little White River Studio, Box 48, Iron Bridge
Spruce Grouse and the Ruffed Grouse. They are ground-dwelling birds, like chickens or quail, using their wings only when necessary. Also, both usually travel with their mates. The Ruffed Grouse is more commonly called the partridge in this area, and is hunted quite regularly. They are considered the stupidest birds in the area. They are the ones which are most often hit, because they are too ignorant to realize the danger of vehicles. They also often fly into windows. However they are quite tasty with gravy and mashed potatoes!
Ruffed Grouse Hen, photo courtesy of Little White River Studio
The Ruffed Grouse, photo taken by
Little White River Studio, Box 48, Iron Bridge
You will know when you come across the Ruffed Grouse because the male will fan its tail when threatened, forming a large, brown, half-circle with a thick black band at the end. The Spruce Grouse, being a little smarter, seems to be able to sense danger, and is not spotted as often as the Ruffed Grouse. The male Spruce Grouse has a black head, breast, and underside, and a dash of red above the eye. The female has no black or red colouring. Both of these birds can be spotted on the ground and in the underbrush of coniferous, deciduous, and mixed forests.

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