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Canada Goose
Great Blue Heron
Sandhill Crane

Waterfowl and Wading Birds

In the Mississagi Valley there are many species of Waterfowl
Mother duck and her babies, photo courtesy of Gayle Trivers
and Wading Birds. Anywhere you might go fishing or swimming you may see a few species of these types of birds. Though some of aquatic birds are hunted, they still seem to trust humans to some extent. They may put a distance between themselves and you, but they will not leave the area completely. In fact, some such as Geese and Ducks will even come close enough to eat pieces of bread tossed to them.

These birds are each unique in their own way, some with long exotic necks and legs, others colored so vividly that they seem to have been painted, and still others that can remain underwater for many minutes without surfacing. People come from all around to see these birds in their natural habitat. Whether its to see their first Blue Heron, or to hear the laughing Loon, bird watchers and tourists are attracted from all over the continent, and world. These birds make the outdoors a little more interesting, and a lot more clean. Besides being fascinating to watch, many eat a lot of the insects, algae, and weeds that overgrow and crowd the outdoors. The Mississagi Valley wouldn't be the same without them.

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