Water Conservation - What Can You Do?There are a number of things you can do to conserve water in your home. By doing so, you will save money on water and utility bills, help to reduce taxes, save energy, and reduce environmental impacts. There are four basic ways to conserve water: Economize: Avoid using water unnecessarily and try to become more aware of how much water you are using. Think of ways that you can reduce. Repair: Even small leaks can add up to a lot of water. Most repairs are very simple and can save you a great deal of money in the long term. Install Water Saving Devices: Many inexpensive products are on the market, which can be used to reduce the amount of water you use. When buying new water fixtures, look for products that have been designed to use less water. Re-use Water: Water used for one purpose can still be suitable for another use? For example, water used for cleaning vegetables can be used for watering plants. Consider installing a rain barrel to collect water to use on your garden. If you live in the country or on a farm, here are some additional ideas you might want to consider:
We all use water and it is important for us to remember that someone else has to use our water when we are finished with it. Water conservation, the wise use of our water resources, is one way we can demonstrate that we are willing to help take responsibility for our natural environment. Water conservation is the right choice to make, for now and for the future. Reprinted from Focus On Water Conservation (1993) with permission of Alberta Environment. |
Updated July 25th, 2001 by KP |