Water Quality - What Can You Do?
In Alberta, fresh water is inexpensive and
plentiful. Most people use and dispose of far more water than they
need. There are things that individuals can do to cut down on the
amount of sewage water they produce and still have the comforts of
modern life: Don't Waste
Use Your Garbage Pail
food scraps should be thrown into the garbage or
onto the compost heap
fats and oils gum up the sewage system so use the
garbage to dispose of these items
the sewage treatment plant cannot handle solid
wastes (things that should go to a landfill site), the only things
that should go into your toilet is human waste and tissue paper
Watch What You Throw Down the
an important source of heavy metal contamination is
household products, zinc in shampoos and ointments and lead in some
paints are two sources
don't throw solvents, paints, or oil based compounds
down the sink
pesticides and herbicides can kill bacteria in the
sewage treatment plant, these materials should be disposed of
through your local toxic round-up program
use biodegradable detergents
Every person has a role to play and a responsibility
toward maintaining water quality. Your small contributions can add
up to a great deal. Think of how much fun you can have fishing,
swimming, boating, or camping near a lake or river. Water is
important. We need it to live.
Reprinted from Focus On Water Quality (1993) with permission of
Alberta Environment.
[Changing Quality][Conservation
to Conserve]
[Effects on Organisms][Pollution][Quality][What
Can You Do?}