Wildlife Conservation - What Can You Do?
Although Alberta Environment is responsible for
managing our wildlife, you also have a right to get involved and let
your government know what concerns you. Here are a few things that
you can do:
Join a local conservation organization that shares
your values. There are many from which to choose. These
groups often go on outings, hold workshops and get involved in
habitat enhancement projects.
Get involved with local and regional land-use
planning issues that affect wildlife and wildlife habitat in your
town or city, in the County or Municipal District where you live, or
on Provincial lands where you spend time.
Become a Wildlife Steward for a local park area, a
Habitat Development Area, a Natural Area or some other plot of land
which you are interested.
Reduce your own impact on the environment.
Remember that the materials you use and the waste you create every
day affects the places where wildlife live. Reduce, reuse, recycle.
Reprinted from Focus On Wildlife Management (1999) with permission of Alberta Environment.
Manages Wildlife?][Beaver
[Ecosystem Management][Endangered
Can You Do?][Wildlife