The Central Parkland SubregionThe Central Parkland Subregion extends in a broad arc up to 200 kilometres wide, north of the Grassland Natural Region and south of the Boreal Forest Natural Region. Within this subregion, there is a gradual transition from grassland with groves of aspen in the south to closed aspen forest in the north. Native vegetation is scarce because most land has been cultivated to grow agricultural crops. The majority of the remaining natural land is on rougher terrain or poorer soils. Surficial deposits range from intermediate-textured hummocky and ground
moraines to fine-textured glaciolacustrine deposits and coarse outwash, kame moraine, and dune field materials. Moraines are most widespread, with kame moraines locally extensive in eastern portions. The Neutral Hills are an excellent example of ice-thrust
bedrock ridges. Aspen and balsam poplar forests are two major forest types that occur in the Central Parkland. Both are characterized by a lush, species rich understory. Shrub communities of snowberry, rose, choke cherry and Saskatoon are more extensive in the northern portion of the Central Parkland Subregion. Elevations range from just over 500 metres where the Battle River enters Saskatchewan to around 1100 metres in western portions. Numerous permanent streams, all part of the Saskatchewan River system, cut across the subregion. Numerous lakes are scattered throughout the subregion as well as a wide variety of permanent wetlands. Many of the lakes and wetlands are slightly to strongly saline. Information provided by and printed with the permission of Alberta Community Development, Provincial Parks and Protected Areas. |
Updated July 15th, 2001 by KP |