The Central Parkland WildlifeThe animals of the Central Parkland Subregion are a mix of elements of both the Northern Fescue Subregion and the Boreal Mixedwood Subregions. At the southern edge of the Subregion, grassland species such as upland sandpiper, Sprague's pipit and Baird's sparrow occur but become less common further north. Along the northern boundary, boreal forest species such as woodchuck, broad-winged hawk and rose-breasted grosbeak are more common. Franklin's ground squirrel and piping plover range primarily in this Subregion. Species characteristic of forested uplands include red-eyed vireo, red-tailed hawk, least flycatcher, Baltimore oriole, yellow warbler, white-tailed deer, American porcupine, northern pocket-gopher and snowshoe hare. Wetlands are more common in this Subregion than in the Grassland Natural Region and contain a wide variety of birds and amphibians. Information provided by and printed with the permission of Alberta Community Development, Provincial Parks and Protected Areas. |
Updated July 29th, 2001 by KP |