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The Boreal Forest Region
The Canadian Shield Region
The Foothills Region
The Grassland Region
The Parkland Region
The Rocky Mountain Region

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Habitat Gallery Visual Essay:

Species Dioramas

Cougar resting within a dioramaCoyote walking in the grass Young Foxes FightingCanada Geese on the shoreline Mountain Goat DioramaMoose Habitat Gallery Whit Weasel Wolf resting on the grasslandsWolf prowling

Habitat Audio Tour

Pronghorn Habitat Gallery

Pronghorn, Grasslands Region
If you look closely in this shortgrass prairie habitat you can spot the Pronghorn – an animal family unique to North America.

Coyote, Grasslands Region
The Grassland region is home to many species of animals, including Coyotes. The sand dunes found here are perfect for this animal’s burrows.

Golden Eagle feeding it's young

Golden Eagle, Grasslands Region  
In the badlands of Alberta you might be lucky enough to spot the majestic Golden Eagle. These birds build enormous nests that sometimes last 20 or 30 years!

Ruffed Grouse Habitat Gallery

Great Horned Owl and Ruffed Grouse, Parkland Region 
The Great Horned Owl is Alberta’s provincial bird. Learn more about the predatory nature of the Great Horned Owl!

Canada Geese, Parkland Region  
Canada Geese have a distinctive “honk!” that is easily recognizable to most Canadians. Learn more about them here!

Shore Birds, Parkland Region  
On Beaverhill Lake near Edmonton, the large numbers of migrating shorebirds make for an impressive sight.

Species Diorama featuring Beavers

Beaver, Parkland Region 
The Beaver is Canada's largest rodent, and you can hear its large, flat tail slapping the water in many of Alberta's lakes and streams.

Trumpeter Swans, Parkland Region  
Trumpeter Swans are one of Alberta’s favourite birds. Years ago, they were nearly hunted to extinction for their down!

Moose, Boreal Forest Region  
In the Boreal Forest of Northern Alberta, you will find the solitary Moose. Learn more about the Moose that make their homes in the Boreal Forest!

Caribou, Boreal Forest Region  
It’s wintertime in the Boreal Forest. You might think it’s cold outside, but the Woodland Caribou are perfectly acclimatized to this frosty weather.

Bison and Wolves, Boreal Forest Region  
Life is still abundant in the seemingly barren grounds of the Canadian Shield. In fact, the impressive and once prolific Bison call this place home.

Mule Deer, Foothills Region  
The Mule Deer make their home in the Foothills region of Alberta. However, Mule Deer are not the only living things in this natural region of Alberta.

Grizzly Bear Habitat Gallery

Grizzly Bear, Rocky Mountain Region  
The Grizzly Bear makes its home in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta. Discover more about this majestic creature and some of the other living things that make up the Rocky Mountain region.

Bighorn Sheep Habitat Gallery

Bighorn Sheep, Rocky Mountain Region   
The Bighorn Sheep are a favourite among tourists in the Rocky Mountains. These impressive animals have amazing courtship rituals that would literally make your head spin!

Cougar Habitat Gallery Thumbnail

Cougar, Rocky Mountain Region  
Here kitty, kitty, kitty! This large mountain cat once lived throughout the entire continent. Animals beware – the Cougar is one of the most efficient predators known to man!

Mountain Goats Scene

Mountain Goat, Rocky Mountain Region  
These sure-footed herbivores are right at home on the rocky ledges of the Rocky Mountains. Learn more about this Rocky Mountain animal here!

Pelican Foraging on the Shore

White Pelican, Canadian Shield Region 
Pelicans? In Alberta? You bet. In fact, the Canadian Shield is home to the northernmost nesting colony in the world!

Updated July 3rd, 2001 by KP