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Burrowing Owl


Burrowing Owl Nesting SiteManagement of the Burrowing Owl population in Alberta is centred around habitat securement, protection, and enhancement.  The Operation Burrowing Owl (OBO) program initiated by Alberta Fish and Game Association enlists farmers, ranchers, and other rural landowners in southern Alberta as volunteers in the protection of active, and previously active, Burrowing Owl nesting areas.  Participating landowners sign a voluntary agreement to preserve owl nesting  sites for a period of five years, at which time the agreement may be renewed.  Through such arrangements, 243 members of OBO are currently protecting 26, 371 hectares of grassland habitat in Alberta.  Suggestions for habitat preservation or improvement are then provided in annual newsletters and mailed to all members.

Reprinted from Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 11 (1997), with permission from Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.
Updated July 30th, 2001 by KP