Canadian ToadManagementOur knowledge of the Canadian Toad in Alberta is limited, and there is little specific information on the natural history, limiting factors and population trends in this province to determine whether provincial populations are at risk. Although there appears to be no substantial change in the species' distribution in the province during this century, there is a widespread perception that the Canadian toad is declining in numbers and has become uncommon in some parts of the province. Additional studies are clearly needed to determine the extent of population declines of the Canadian Toad in Alberta, and to document potential threats to existing populations. We therefore recommend that known historical and potential population localities be visited and the presence and abundance of toads assessed on a regular basis. Until population distribution and trends are better documented, it may also be prudent to protect key breeding and wintering habitats from disturbance. These sites would be appropriate areas for initiating studies to increase our knowledge of the life history of Canadian Toads in Alberta. Such investigation could identify techniques which might be used to protect and manage this species, if perceived population declines in the province are real. Reprinted from Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 12 (1998), with permission from Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. |
Updated August 4th, 2001 by KP |