Canadian Toad
In 1991, a review of the status of wildlife
species in Alberta resulted in the inclusion of the Canadian toad on the
Yellow List of species which were potentially vulnerable, but not currently at risk, in the province. This review noted that the species was common in
boreal and parkland habitats, but may be experiencing declines in parkland areas. A second review five years later placed the Canadian Toad on the
Red List of species that were believed to be at risk of declining to nonviable population levels. This designation was made on the basis of the dramatic decline in parkland distribution, and the need for population monitoring.
Under the Alberta Wildlife Act, Bufo hemiophrys is legally designated as a
non-game animal, which dictates that individuals may not be killed, possessed or sold without a permit.
Reprinted from Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 12 (1998), with permission
from Alberta Sustainable
Resource Development.
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