Eastern Short-horned Lizard
No direct management of Eastern Short-horned Lizard populations or
habitat has been undertaken in Alberta. However, there have been several research studies that have investigated many aspects of the biology, range, and the
ecology of the species in this province. These studies have served to greatly increase the understanding of this species in Alberta, and may in turn contribute to the direction of any management in the future.
The greater awareness of the species in recent years has led to at least one example of active habitat reclamation efforts by industrial interests. A significant amount of oil and gas development occurs within the range of the Eastern Short-horned Lizard in Alberta. Samedan Oil of Canada, after purchasing the rights to drill in an area of southeastern Alberta, found lizards on the proposed drilling site.
Several provisions were made to reduce the impact of the exploration, and efforts were made to reclaim the habitat disturbed by the project.
Reprinted from Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 5 (1997), with permission
from Alberta Sustainable
Resource Development.
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