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Eastern Short-horned Lizard


Eastern Short-horned LizardA review of the status of fish and wildlife resources in 1984 described the Eastern Short-horned Lizard in Alberta as being threatened. In 1985, a provincial government report placed the Eastern Short-horned Lizard on the list of species considered to be peripheral to the province. In 1991, the species was described as being rare and localized, and was included on the Red List as a species considered to be at immediate risk of declining to nonviable levels. Most recently, the Eastern Short-horned Lizard has been moved to the provincial Blue List of species that may be at risk in the province.

The Eastern Short-horned Lizard is legally designated as a non-game animal under the Alberta Wildlife Act. Animals included in this designation are provided with full protection, and may not be killed, possessed, bought or sold without a permit.

Reprinted from Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 5 (1997), with permission from Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.
Updated August 4th, 2001 by KP