Long-toed Salamander
Several projects have examined the ecology of Long-toed Salamanders in Alberta. These projects have been in response to an immediate perceived local management problem or in an effort to understand the demographics of the species in this province and formulate an overall management strategy.
The Long-toed Salamander does not appear to be in immediate danger of extirpation in Alberta. Although the species is limited in its distribution in the province, apparently robust populations occur in areas of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains and the adjacent boreal forest. However, the lack of long-term information essential to estimate population trends in fossorial salamanders makes it difficult to assess the available population data accurately. Populations of the Long-toed Salamander are not widespread across the province and there is still much to learn about how anthropomorphic alterations affect this species.
Reprinted from Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 22
with permission from Alberta
Sustainable Resource Development.
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