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Long-toed Salamander


Based on more current information, the Long-toed Salamander was down-listed from Alberta's 'Red List' to the 'Yellow B List' in 1996. 'Yellow List' species are those that are not currently at risk although there may arise potential problems related to low populations, limited provincial distribution or demographic/life history features that could make them vulnerable to anthropomorphic alterations. The 'B' classification applies to species that are naturally rare but not in decline, have a clumped distribution or are associated with habitats potentially at risk. The Alberta Natural Heritage Information Centre has assigned a provincial rank of S3 to the Long-toed Salamander because of its association with sensitive habitats.

Reprinted from Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 22 (1999), with permission from Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.

Updated June 26th 2001 by KP