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Metis art reflects the rich cultural heritage of the Metis people.

Metis Woman,  Wil Campbel

http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Atrium/4832/art.html Information on the history of the History of Metis Art

http://members.nbci.com/MetisRing/ (An exhaustive listing of Metis Artists, Writers, Crafters, Historians, Genealogists and Businesses)

http://www.metisnation.ca/arts/artsREGISTRY.html National Metis Arts Registry with the Metis National Council-to promote Metis Artists in Canada

http://www.metisnation.ca/arts/lookARTS.asp - the Artists on the National Metis Arts Registry

http://www.thebreath.com/home.html Some metis artists and they are great...
"Miracles Here" by Shane Anthony great song and video under www.thebreath.com under designs

boot - metis beadinggloves - metis beading

Copyright © 2001 Alberta Metis Historical Society