Metis flag that is used today has a lot of meaningful history behind
it. An interesting fact about the Metis flag is that it is 188 years
old and is 150 years older than the Canadian flag. The Current and
most defining Metis flags consist of two variations one that is
blue and the other which is red. The Metis flag represents the Metis
people with the infinity sign that symbolizes the coming together
of two distinct cultures: Indian and European and their existence
forever as a people.

are differing opinions on the origin of the Metis flag. One opinion
about the flag is that it was first used in the fur trade wars that
took place between the North West Company, which usually used blue
as a color and the Hudson Bay Company that used red. In 1812 the
Hudson Bay Company introduced the red flag to the Metis as on of
the gifts to keep them loyal to their company throughout the fur
trading wars. This flag was used against the Metis during the battle
at seven oaks. Another opinion about the flag is that it was suggested
by the NWC in 1815 for the Metis to adopt a symbol that would represent
them as a whole. So the Metis founded the red and white flag as
their own symbol. When the Native Council of Canada came around
that's when the blue and white flag was introduced because people
were not comfortable with the history of the red flag.
Metis flag didn't only have a negative effect on the Metis because
the flag gave them a sense of nationalism and was a unifying force
for their existence. Today the Metis use their flag with pride and
people recognize them for it.