
The Josef Aron Museum of Jewish Ceremonial Art Objects
The inception of this museum, located at the Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom, was when the founders, the late Mrs. Anna Aron and Josef Aron, presented the first museum showcase and art objects to the Temple. Rabbi Harry Joshua Stern dedicated the beginning of a museum, the first of its kind in Canada, following the Sabbath Eve Service on Friday, May 22nd, 1953.

The various ceremonial objects included in the museum are used in the daily lives of Jews. The objects are reminders of the Jewish past. One of the purposes of founding the museum was to recall that past for both members of the Judaic faith and others who wished to learn more about the aesthetic side of Jewish beliefs.

museum museum

Perhaps the most significant statement on the mandate of the collection is the feeling that "it is not what you have, but what you share that counts". It is felt that by digitizing a sampling of the objects from this Hidden Treasure, the Judaic Art in Context project has initiated a better understanding of the artistic used within a Judaic context.

Pictures of Judaic Works by Contemporary Artists

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