Challah (Bread) Cover

The challah cover is used to cover the challah. Challah is a special type of braided egg bread, that is served at the erev Shabbat dinner and on holidays. Made of cloth, lace or any other material, the challah covering serves several purposes.

Firstly, it is necessary because the bread may not be seen until the Kiddush (prayer over the wine) is said. The second reason for the cover is to provide a sense of dignity for the bread. Since the candles have candlesticks and the wine has a kiddush cup, the challah should have a special decoration too. This second purpose of the bread cover teaches an important lesson in having concern for feelings of others whether it be for inanimate objects or living things.

Challah Cover Challah Bread

The challah cover has also come to be an artistic outlet. It is common for challah covers to be made as an art project by children in Hebrew schools. Often challah covers are given as housewarming and/or wedding gifts.

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