Circumcision Image

Circumcision or Brith as it is known in Hebrew consists of the removal of part or all of the foreskin which covers the glands of the penis. The Jewish tradition of circumcision stems from the Torah which states "every male among you shall be circumcised" (Genesis 17:11-12). A Jewish baby boy is circumcised when he is eight days old by a Mohel.

Images of a circumcision

A Mohel has been specifically trained to perform the circumcision, and also receives rabbinic recognition. After the procedure is completed the Mohel will say a benediction over the wine and a second benediction praising God. At this time the Mohel also says a prayer for the child's welfare and announces the child's Hebrew name.

It is customary for the birth to be an occasion for the baby to be welcomed into his family and extended family. Today Jewish babies are not the only ones who are circumcised. Many doctors remove the foreskin at birth for hygienic reasons.

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