Converting to Judaism

Judaism is not a religion which actively seeks converts. In fact, most clerics (with the exception of the Reform rabbis) generally discourage individuals from converting to Judaism. Still, if one is perserverant and demonstrates a willingness to live in accordance with the Jewish laws, then one will no doubt find a Rabbi who is willing to guide him or her in the conversion process.

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The actual steps in the conversion process vary depending on the type of synagogue (i.e. Orthodox, Conservative, Reform) where one chooses to do the conversion. Generally, the first step consists of learning the various holidays, rituals, laws, and customs which are associated with Judaism. This usually involves both taking a course at the synagogue on Judaism and attending prayer services. Depending on where the conversion is performed, this stage could last anywhere from several months to several years. Once this stage is completed, the next step is for men to become circumcised and for women to attend the mikvah. Circumcision, which involves the removal of the foreskin from the penis, is one of the most important rituals in Judaism and has been performed since the time of Abraham. Women are required to bathe in the mikvah, which is a pool of clear water, before converting in order to render themselves both physically and spiritually clean.

Images of spiritual bath at the mikvah

The final stage of the conversion process is usually marked by a ceremony at the synagogue. At the Temple Emanu-El-Beth-Sholom synagogue in Montreal, this ceremony is typically held during the Friday evening Shabbat service. At this time, the convert is asked six questions about his/her intentions to study Torah, be involved in the community, to raise Jewish children, etc. Afterwards, he or she recites the Shema, the central prayer in Judaism, and receives a blessing and a Hebrew name.

People choose to undergo the process of converting to Judaism for a variety of reasons. Some choose to do so because their spouse is Jewish while others convert because they have a great respect and admiration for the religion. Regardless of the reasons, individuals contemplating conversion must evaluate the consequence of such an action before undergoing the lengthy and difficult process which it involves.

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